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Champoeg Rendezvous Date (Oregon) :)


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Originally posted by oregone:

So who's camping on the 31st, and who's camping on the 1st? Who's doing both?


all rights reserved, all wrongs reversed


Team Misguided will be there both nights.


_________________________ icon_smile.gif


Lost? I'm not lost. At least I don't think I'm lost, well............OK, maybe just a little.


Originally posted by oregone:

So who's camping on the 31st, and who's camping on the 1st? Who's doing both?


all rights reserved, all wrongs reversed


Team Misguided will be there both nights.


_________________________ icon_smile.gif


Lost? I'm not lost. At least I don't think I'm lost, well............OK, maybe just a little.


We plan on camping both nights as well. Not sure what we'll do for entertainment at night but maybe someone wants to dream up a temporary night cache just for the weekend?


I might have the use of a motorboat for that weekend...

The key word there is might.

Anyone have any waterskis?

There's a floating ski-jump not to far from the champoeg dock that is just begging for a cache.


all rights reserved, all wrongs reversed


I'm going to try to make it, sounds like fun. I don't know if I can convince "she who must be obeyed" to join me. Although she is a history buff and has never been here. I know if she does make it the ivy thing is out she is convinced ivy was developed for snake breeding grounds.


Being such a newbie, this will be a great chance for me to meet my fellow cachers! (Every time I visit a park now, I check to see who is "lurking" icon_wink.gif ). And while I'm not "officially" a photographer, I'd be happy to play one for a day. (Gotta love those digital cameras!)

So - count me in! I look forward to meeting everyone and doing a bit of ivy whacking.


Being such a newbie, this will be a great chance for me to meet my fellow cachers! (Every time I visit a park now, I check to see who is "lurking" icon_wink.gif ). And while I'm not "officially" a photographer, I'd be happy to play one for a day. (Gotta love those digital cameras!)

So - count me in! I look forward to meeting everyone and doing a bit of ivy whacking.


icon_confused.gif By the way, could someone please tell me the proper pronounciation for 'Champoeq', I've heard a couple different ways.


Lost? I'm not lost. At least I don't think I'm lost, well............OK, maybe just a little.


icon_confused.gif By the way, could someone please tell me the proper pronounciation for 'Champoeq', I've heard a couple different ways.


Lost? I'm not lost. At least I don't think I'm lost, well............OK, maybe just a little.


By the way, could someone please tell me the proper pronounciation for 'Champoeq'


According to my native Oregonian wife, it's pronounced "Shampooee".




I think it was originally pronounced "cham-POO-ick" back in the days of the provisional government. But yeah, nowadays we call it "sham-POO-ee."

When i was five my parents told me they were taking me to "shampooing" state park and i started crying because i hated getting soap in my eyes. I've sense grown up a bit.


all rights reserved, all wrongs reversed


Sounds like a great chance to meet some local GeoCachers. Count my wife and I in on this event. Maybe with some luck, we will be able to talk 'Lswen' and wife into showing up also.


Look at the logs for GEO-Court by DI


It looks like Hillwilly ended up with a $2030 fine for placing a cache too close to a railroad. The cache was in a poor location and fine seems out of line, but none the less he still had to pay. I propose we take a collection on June 1st to help with the cost of this cache.




Originally posted by MattandLaura:

oregone I think my English puzzles are getting to you.



I know. Almost ten years of college now and it still took me two days to figure out that last one. And i still can't afford the subaru i want (wink wink).


Regarding Hillywilly's trouble with the law in our neighboring state to the south, i'm all for contributing to the cause.


I'm sure it will be a hot topic in Champoeg.


all rights reserved, all wrongs reversed


If you haven't made plans for the rendezvous yet, time to mark your calendar! We need a fairly good count of who is coming so if you haven't done so yet, please tell us you are coming on the cache page or here.


We have some volunteers for key positions (THANKS!)


Event coordinators - Skooter and Dad, Maps-R-Us

Cache Team Captains - Soup and Matt (& Laura)

Website host after the event - fractal

Wireless conection - fractal

unofficial recorder - Oregone

photographers - Bodoni and WereCachingIn

help w/ kids - Wander Lost and Laura and ?

firewood for the campfire - Soup

Ivy pullers - Hopefully Everyone!


Other volunteers we could use would be someone to:


Bring a large gas barbecue?

Help with a kids cache/games?

Someone to do a night cache just for the night of the event?

Someone to bring cups, plates, napkins, other misc. stuff?


Let us know what you think! We're hoping for a chance to meet fellow cachers, share some stories and maybe have prizes for the folks who help out the most. Maps


Originally posted by Maps-R-Us:

..Someone to do a night cache just for the night of the event?


I allready posted it on the Shamphoowee event page, but I am constructing a Dusk/Nighttime group cache called THE APPARATUS.


All I will say is that you will need a GPS, a watch, good hiking shoes, and possibly some rocks or sticks. I should finish it by this week.


Its as BAD as you think, and they ARE out to get you..


Originally posted by Maps-R-Us:

..Someone to do a night cache just for the night of the event?


I allready posted it on the Shamphoowee event page, but I am constructing a Dusk/Nighttime group cache called THE APPARATUS.


All I will say is that you will need a GPS, a watch, good hiking shoes, and possibly some rocks or sticks. I should finish it by this week.


Its as BAD as you think, and they ARE out to get you..

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