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Want me to run a listserv for Oregon?


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"Hey everybody!" --Dr. Nick, The Simpsons


I just noticed that Fractal had posted a challenge regarding the Top Score! cache.


I've noticed that's been twice that I've found out about this sorta thing ...the day after it is supposed to happen. No fault of Fractal's, it's just that I missed the updated thread.


I run a web/email/etc server (linux-based) out of my home on a 512kb ADSL line. I'm wondering if anyone would be interesting in having me host a listserv-style email list.


I don't know what all is involved in setting up listserv, but it can't be too hard. The reason I would want to do it myself is because, well, that's what I have a server for - and I don't like the thought of little text ads from yahoo! slapped on messages that go out to everyone.


If people are interested, vote and throw your two cents in.


"Strictly hand-held is the style I go." --Beastie Boys

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Sometimes all I want is local geocaching news. I think an Oregon listserv would rock.


Now here is a bug in your ear Servermeister, what about a peer reviewable cachelist via something like zope or php/mysql.


Wouldnt that be a redundency to whats here? Sort of , but it might also be a great place to test out a cache before its posted to the bigs, to kick around ideas for a cache , to collaborate on botht the creation of and maintence of the caches, and it could also be a place to post caches that have more or less exposure.


It wouldnt be too hard to synch up withthe bigs.


Just a thought.






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Originally posted by makaio:

btw - how long after one pays until the CM takes effect?



My CM took just under 24 hours to go into effect, but PayPal charged my $60 instead of $30. I emailed them and then they took all $60 off, so i had a free CM for a couple days. Then, my statement said they had charged me $60 again. They've just straightened the whole thing out today.


Oh, and i'm not 100% sure what a listserv is, but i think i get the gist of it and it sounds awesome. The NW forum is the one i always check first.


all rights reserved, all wrongs reversed

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Originally posted by makaio:

btw - how long after one pays until the CM takes effect?



When you subscribe you should receive a "subscription notification" e-mail. It'll have a "subscription ID" in it. You go to your My Cache page and click on the "activate your subscription" link and pop that number in. Hope that helps and the excessive use of quotation marks didn't temporarily blind you icon_eek.gif


And mine appeared instantly after I did that.


[This message was edited by Bodoni on March 14, 2002 at 07:19 PM.]

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Originally posted by makaio:

btw - how long after one pays until the CM takes effect?



When you subscribe you should receive a "subscription notification" e-mail. It'll have a "subscription ID" in it. You go to your My Cache page and click on the "activate your subscription" link and pop that number in. Hope that helps and the excessive use of quotation marks didn't temporarily blind you icon_eek.gif


And mine appeared instantly after I did that.


[This message was edited by Bodoni on March 14, 2002 at 07:19 PM.]

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An Oregon (not oregone icon_biggrin.gif ) listserv would be great!


regarding CM's I got my notification within minutes of signing up on paypal, then went to geocaching.com and activated it. whole thing took about 10 minutes.


Actually now that I think about it, a listserv devoted to oregone's antics wouldn't be too bad! icon_wink.gif

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An Oregon (not oregone icon_biggrin.gif ) listserv would be great!


regarding CM's I got my notification within minutes of signing up on paypal, then went to geocaching.com and activated it. whole thing took about 10 minutes.


Actually now that I think about it, a listserv devoted to oregone's antics wouldn't be too bad! icon_wink.gif

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Ditto what Bodoni said - happened almost instantly for us. And we only got charged $30 - I think they charged Oregone extra for too many ex-girlfriends and extra long logs!


Listserv idea sounds good but would that keep us from posting here? Isn't the real problem a matter of timing and just "getting on-line?"

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I just realized that you can use the Pop-It! feature to do the same thing for the Northwest forums. You can select the Northwest forum then choose to Pop-It. I wonder if it's possible to get Jeremy to add the feature on a state by state basis. We'd have the advantage of almost realtime updates, without getting deluged with all Northwest posts, and all posts would be available to the list members as well as the general Northwest forum. Thoughts?


I posted this question in the Geocaching.com forum.


[This message was edited by Bodoni on March 14, 2002 at 08:40 PM.]


[This message was edited by Bodoni on March 14, 2002 at 08:58 PM.]

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Thanks for the info - still waiting for the confirmation. So far, I've only received a bunch of mail from PayPal (account confirmation, receipt, getting started and $5 coupon). Nothing from geocaching.com and nothing with an S-SOMETHINGOROTHER ID.


I'll check it tomorrow.



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Or so early results show. I'll work on it, assuming the votes end in my favour. When I get something, I'll let everyone know here.


Nick: Hi, everybody!

Crowd: Hi, Dr. Nick!

Nick: If something should go wrong, let's not get the law involved! One hand washes the other. Oh, that reminds me! [washes his hands, puts on operating gloves] These gloves came free with my toilet brush!


-- The operation begins, "Homer's Triple Bypass"


"What you do today will cost you a day of your life." --jabber's sig on /. and k5.

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