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the Seagnoid

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I am not sure if this is a Urwigo problem, which is what I am using, or just a newbie error - this is my first Wherigo project. I have three problems. In the emulator they are fine, on my Garmin Oregon I get problems. My PC is vista if that makes a difference (apparently that is the reason Groundspeak's builder crashes):

1. Zone activate at 0m. I have range at 50m and proximity at 5m (they are small zones, approx 10m square). Active and visible are set. Any idea on where I might be going wrong? I was expecting the zone to activate at 5m out.

2. Zone commands do not appear on the Oregon. Are they supported on the Oregon? Show up and work fine in the emulator.

3. Can I get the Oregon to play a beep? I doubt it can handle a wav file! :)


If there are instructions (click here, do this) please be precise, I am still finding my way around the interface!




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1. If the zone is active the zone is active. <_< Perhaps you mean that e.g the items should become visible earlier (5 meters before the zone is entered). Then you have to switch "Show objects" from "On Enter" to "On proximity".

It would be possible (but makes no sense I think) to make the zone visible 5 meters before you enter it. Set the zone active and do not display it. Set In proximity to 5 meters. In the event "On proximity" set the Zone display=true.

2. Garmin does not support zone commands. Also never use On click events on items, characters, zones ...

3. Try the example from our wiki, it contains 16 different "beeps" for garmin http://wig-wiki.docfred.de/images/6/6c/GarminSounds.zip

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Garmin processes the OnEnter event when you are 0m from the zone, which is very annoying to get to trigger. As long as we have to support Garmin GPSrs, I have to suggest using OnProximity for all events. jonny65 is correct in suggesting you make everything visible OnProximity.


The OnClick event does not work on tasks, too. There's one cartridge in Idaho, USA that uses this exclusively.


There's something Jeremy (Groundspeak) posted in early 2008 that lets you create your own beep "music" on a Garmin. If you're interested and can't find it, I think I might be able to if you give me some time.

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1. Zone activate at 0m. I have range at 50m and proximity at 5m (they are small zones, approx 10m square).

Zones are unfortunately reason for some trouble. My first tip is: your zones are small. 10m by 10m is close to the edge of GPS accuracy. I know that you have better experience and that Garmin tells you your device is better. In general this is right. But in general is not "under bad conditions". Check out this site, it is in German but the images should tell the story.

High precision GPS monitor: http://www.kowoma.de/gps/gpsmonitor2/gpsmonitor2.html

iPhone, iPad under bad conditions: http://www.kowoma.de/gps/geraetetests/iOS/iPhone_iPad.html


If you have the time, read the attached document ("ComfortZones.pdf"). It provides information about the zone/proximity concept and describes how to overcome your problem It is targeted at Earwigo users, but the introduction and the last pages are general concepts and ideas.


2. Zone commands do not appear on the Oregon. Are they supported on the Oregon? Show up and work fine in the emulator.

I think there is a way to make Urwigo spit out a warning when you are about to use a command that is not compatible with all devices. I am not an expert for Urwigo so I might be wrong. Earwigo has this switched on by default to save new users from frustrations. Might be a good idea for Urwigo to default this.


3. Can I get the Oregon to play a beep? I doubt it can handle a wav file! :)

You can find the tool and some more useful information about sounds in the Earwigo wiki under http://www.earwigo.net/WWB/wiki/doku.php?id=tips_and_tricks#wherigo_sound


Edited by Geo-Magician
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If you have the time, read the attached document ("ComfortZones.pdf"). It provides information about the zone/proximity concept and describes how to overcome your problem It is targeted at Earwigo users, but the introduction and the last pages are general concepts and ideas.


The atachement is gone :unsure: I just love the constant struggle with attachments in forums. Follow this link http://www.earwigo.net/WWB/wiki/lib/exe/fetch.php?media=comfortzone.pdf to get the pdf that explains the zone concept and a fancy fix.

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