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Kansas City area Geocachers?

Guest Todd Svec

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Guest Todd Svec

There's an obvious absence of entries, so I thought I'd post one in an attempt to stir some conversation!



Guest Todd Svec

Wow! A reply!! Cool! Basic general stuff. There are no caches on the Kansas side of KC, something I hope to alleviate. We are in the MIssion area, and I went to the City hall and talked to the people there about places caches in the Mission parks, and at first I got the feeling I wished I hadn't asked. They mentioned going before the city council. EEK! No thanks, it's just for fun! I did end up talking to the Recs manager, and he seemed more cool with it, but was going to talk to a few people and "let me know". There are certainly a lot of places around here, in KC and towards Lawrence. We've found six at the time of this writing, hope to find more this weekend! We own an eTrex standard (yellow one) and it does us just fine.

Guest Todd Svec

Very cool! I'm pleased to see the hobby taking off. I predict that there will be MANY caches around this summer. We're planning on doing a few "theme" caches. The very first one I have planned is a "Garden Cache", I'm actually almost ready to place it. It has seeds & other garden related items obviously. Because I'm placing it in a rather public and busy site, I'm configuring such a way so that I can basically lock it away from strangers. Another will be computer related. I'm in the PC field (self employed now), and have tons of logo items, CDs, stuff like that. I'm hoping to get away from just toys, which is OK, but it seems to be usually stuff no one wants. I also will be doing one really different, maybe near COffeyville, on bricks. Many people don't know about the number of bricks that are out there in the world with lettering on them. This one might be a little difficult, we'll see!

Guest cloudkid



Though I am not in the KC area, rather the Wichita area, I thought I might be bold and and at least say hello.


I hope the good weather holds for spring break next week. I am looking forward to some searching in MO and OK.



Guest Todd Svec

Greetings back & thanks for participating. Maybe (when I get them placed) my caches will be close enough to you to warrant a road trip. I guarantee that if you place one around your area, especially east of Wichita, I'll be inclined to stop by.


[This message has been edited by Todd Svec (edited 03-09-2001).]

Guest Steve McGinnis

I see you came down and visited my caches today. The only significance there is to the farm, is that it is mine. One of the geocachers at one of the other caches that I have logged, wondered what the farmer would say about people hunting caches on his property. So I put one on my farm, so I know the farmer will approve. In the summer, it looks quite different, as does Gunn Park and Elm Creek Lake Park. I take it you know Paul and Libby. Have a great day, Steve

Guest Todd Svec

Glad to know about the ownership of the farm. (We wondered the same about the farm in Odessa.) Great day trip down there, although we got side tracked at the Battle of Mine Creek historic site (one of those, "Hey, let's turn here and see what it is" ) and the fact that we collect bricks, so we HAD to go brick hunting, and didn't have time to go to the Ft. Scott National Park. Next time! We already know that we have another trip to visit, and we figure you'll be placing more caches there to intice us. Don't know Paul and Libby, except that we were right on their tails all day today.


[This message has been edited by Todd Svec (edited 03-11-2001).]

Guest Paul Lamble

So, you are Todd of Todd and Tracy! We finally meet (in cyberspace anyway).


I must confess, I went out yesterday to Fort Scott deliberately to be the first to find the McGinnis caches. My dream was to get to a cache before you two did! (You've beaten me to every cache I've been to so far.) Now that my dream has been realized, I plan to get more casual about my drive. (Also, I was with the guy who has set out the Santa Fe Trail caches yesterday as he placed another one. Since I know where it is, I won't be looking for it. So you'll probably get there before anyone. Certainly before me.)


Actually, I'm trying to convince the Star to let me write an article about geocaching. If you're interested, I'd probably like to talk to the two of you to get the view of two enthusiastic geocachers in the KC area. All sweetness and light, positive, upbeat quotes and perspectives about this healthy, wholesome, informative sport. That kind of thing. Look me up in the phone book and give me a call if you're interested.


Paul of Paul and Libby

Guest Paul Lamble

I'm hoping to put four caches at Shawnee Mission Park. I'd give the coordinates for two online, and give the coordinates for the other two IN the cache boxes of the two that are online. Maybe make it a complete circle someone could walk to find all four.


SMP already has an orienteering course throughout the woods there. Lots of off-trail stuff, so I think I could persuade them to allow this 21st century orienteering course as well. I'm hopeful.


The trouble with setting out caches is that you're then responsible for them too. I guess I'd have to visit regularly to make sure they weren't vandalized, eaten, or otherwise in bad shape.

Guest Steve McGinnis

I'm glad you liked Mine Creek. Did you go to the actual battlefield to the west of the hihgway,or just stop at the rest area. I do have plans to put out probably three more caches, one of which I have planned for the rest stop area. It is really nice (in the summertime) as you go east from the road.


I'm glad to meet all four of you. Perhaps after I place my next three staches, you can all come back down and we can meet in the real world.


We went to the actual battlefield. The Parks person there was real nice, I didn't get his name, but he thought geocaching was cool. Looking forward to more cahces and another weekend down there!

Guest Todd Svec

Kinda slow this weekend on the postings, .... We did go and find the #3 Santa Fe Trail one. Very cool place. Too bad the weather wasn't as nice as it was earlier in the week!! Tracy and I stomped around another park looking for the perfect location for a cache we're going to place. It's kinda difficult to find that perfect spot, one that won't be discovered easily, yet difficult enough to be interesting. A good location for the hobby, but not one that will be trashed. I know others have had the same worries, so I'll just recall the caches we're found and remember that others are doing it!!!


I hear that at least three others I know of are planning caches in the KC area. SHould make for an interesting summer! Better stock up on the poison ivy & tick spray!


Paul: Sounds great, I'll give you a call!

Guest Todd Svec

There are *zero* caches for me under 100 miles!!! ARGH! Day trips in Columbia for sure! That does it, I'm placing some. Anyone going to join me?

Guest Ron Streeter

How about a note from a former Kansan?


I grew up in Manhattan from 1943 to 1968 and moved to Wichita from 1968 to 1973.


Then on to California where I'm happy to say that we have about 150 caches, 70 of which are within 60 miles of my home !


Kansas is growing though...its cache population has jumped from 3 to 6 in the last couple of weeks !


When I come to KS to visit my mother, I will put one down around Manhattan.


Looks to me like some of those MO cachers who are coming over should bring some caches with them to help grow KS.

Guest Todd Svec

Welcome Ron! I'm kinda surprised that there are not caches in Manhatten and Lawrence. With as many college people there are around there, and historical sites, I would think there would be some.


Yes, we doubled in caches thanks to the 3 that Steve placed down in the Fort Scott area, which is definitely worth a day trip. The other 3 are out in central Kansas I believe. Absolutley none on the KS side of Kansas City (Shawnee, Overland Park, Prairie Village, Mission, KCKS, Lenexa, Leawood, Roeland Park, Olathe, etc). There's plenty of prospective spots!

Guest Trilobites

Greetings KC area geocachers icon_smile.gif. Yes, we are the ones responsible for the Santa Fe Trail caches. We have plans for a number a caches on the Kansas side between Shawnee Mission and Council Grove in the next few months. As you guys can imagine, placing caches near archeological sites takes a little thought, time, letter writing and lots of patience!


We (wife and two kids) enjoyed meeting Paul his wife at Santa Fe Trail #3. Their great folks in person too! In fact, I'm thinking of emailing all who have visited the Santa Fe Trail caches and asking about interest in having a KC area geocaching "get together". I work for the USGS, and as you probably guessed, I also work with the Santa Fe Trail association (National Mapping & Marking chair), and the NPS. I'd like to host a geocaching meeting either at the National Frontier Trails Center (near SFT #3) or at Schumacher Park. I know KCTV 5 will be doing a short segment on Schumacher Park this spring and perhaps we could schedule a geocachers meeting and get a little positive PR for the sport. We could share info on GPS units and try each others out, laptop software (I use delorme for Santa Fe Trail mapping), etc. In addition, I could see about having a NPS person, city council person, and Parks and Rec. person to come so they could meet real geocachers. A positive impression is going to be "real" important as the sport grows.


Theme caches are my goal. The St. Louis area is lousy with caches, some of which, are in pretty lousy locations-like along RR tracks. I love the idea of carefullly placed caches in interesting areas--not just along a path in a park.


I'm very concerned about the apparent position some NPS folks are taking regarding geocaches--but certainly understand. Seems, part of the problem has been placing caches without consent which has been interpreted to be "abandoned property". icon_frown.gif


To be honest, the original Santa Fe Trail caches were an experiment to see if they could be a tool to increase public awarness their local history and as an educational tool. You alls wonderful comments on the web site have been looked at with much interest by the KCMO Neighborhood Tourism board, NPS, Jackson Co Parks and Rec, Independence Parks and Rec., KCMO Parks and Rec., and KCMO councilman Chuck Eddie. I send all of your logged comments to the NPS folks in Santa Fe NM (Long Distance Trails Office) and the local Parks officials.


Give some thought to the idea of a KC area geocachers "rendevous". One possible drawback is that you all might see how ugly I really am though! Didn't seem to scare Paul too bad!


By the way, Received an MS in geology from KSU so I'll hit a geocache in Manhattan next time I'm out there. Lets see, all my old hangouts in Aggieville are gone, maybe Tuttle Puddle?

Guest Trilobites

Greetings KC area geocachers icon_smile.gif. Yes, we are the ones responsible for the Santa Fe Trail caches. We have plans for a number a caches on the Kansas side between Shawnee Mission and Council Grove in the next few months. As you guys can imagine, placing caches near archeological sites takes a little thought, time, letter writing and lots of patience!


We (wife and two kids) enjoyed meeting Paul his wife at Santa Fe Trail #3. Their great folks in person too! In fact, I'm thinking of emailing all who have visited the Santa Fe Trail caches and asking about interest in having a KC area geocaching "get together". I work for the USGS, and as you probably guessed, I also work with the Santa Fe Trail association (National Mapping & Marking chair), and the NPS. I'd like to host a geocaching meeting either at the National Frontier Trails Center (near SFT #3) or at Schumacher Park. I know KCTV 5 will be doing a short segment on Schumacher Park this spring and perhaps we could schedule a geocachers meeting and get a little positive PR for the sport. We could share info on GPS units and try each others out, laptop software (I use delorme for Santa Fe Trail mapping), etc. In addition, I could see about having a NPS person, city council person, and Parks and Rec. person to come so they could meet real geocachers. A positive impression is going to be "real" important as the sport grows.


Theme caches are my goal. The St. Louis area is lousy with caches, some of which, are in pretty lousy locations-like along RR tracks. I love the idea of carefullly placed caches in interesting areas--not just along a path in a park.


I'm very concerned about the apparent position some NPS folks are taking regarding geocaches--but certainly understand. Seems, part of the problem has been placing caches without consent which has been interpreted to be "abandoned property". icon_frown.gif


To be honest, the original Santa Fe Trail caches were an experiment to see if they could be a tool to increase public awarness their local history and as an educational tool. You alls wonderful comments on the web site have been looked at with much interest by the KCMO Neighborhood Tourism board, NPS, Jackson Co Parks and Rec, Independence Parks and Rec., KCMO Parks and Rec., and KCMO councilman Chuck Eddie. I send all of your logged comments to the NPS folks in Santa Fe NM (Long Distance Trails Office) and the local Parks officials.


Give some thought to the idea of a KC area geocachers "rendevous". One possible drawback is that you all might see how ugly I really am though! Didn't seem to scare Paul too bad!


By the way, Received an MS in geology from KSU so I'll hit a geocache in Manhattan next time I'm out there. Lets see, all my old hangouts in Aggieville are gone, maybe Tuttle Puddle?

Guest cache_ninja

howdy everyone,

I was in KC and Lawrence this summer for the 1st time, for about 20hrs or so on a 4000+mile week and a half car/camping trip tha had no, well,pre-planning. We decided to head to AK after KS(stayed @ a nice campground at Ft.Smith on the Mississippi-armadillos are really cool), on the way to Houston. I don't plan to ever return to Texas.


Anyway, the reason I wrote-> we stayed in a nice campground outside Lawrence. There seemed to be a pretty nice park there, although we arrived late at night and left the next afternoon. It would be a great spot to hide some caches, especially w/proxminity to Lawrence. If someone can get out there, hide a few caches, and then contact the campus paper(s), I bet you'll have an explosion in the area. Geocaching isn;t hard to pitch to the press, and I bet its even easier w/a campus paper. Just make sure there are a bunch of caches out there for people to look for once they read the article.


good luck



Guest Todd Svec

Welcome Trilobytes! icon_smile.gif


I agree that the location theme caches are very interesting, and I hope that I don't disappoint people with my caches. My planned themes are a little different: content caches versus location. What I mean by this is caches that have a theme by what?s in them, related items, whether they be CDs, coins, pens, toy cars, computer stuff, etc. It became pretty apparent to us that some of the caches out there can be kinda anticlimactic with what's in them. Yes, it's the hunt, not the kill, and don't get me wrong, I appreciate ALL the caches placed!! I think it would be MUCH more exciting to know ahead of time that a particular cache you?re setting out to find has a collection of ?tokens?! This of course is my humble opinion!


I know that having better stuff in them also raises my concern for theft. We tromped around a park for about an hour this past weekend, never finding a spot that I felt was a good hiding spot. It was either too close to were people might congregate and discover accidentally, or too difficult to get there. I was kinda bummed cause this little park in our area is relatively unknown and really pretty nice. I feel like I *must* have a good hiding spot or it might end up like the Tulsa cache (http://www.geocaching.com/seek/cache_details.asp?ID=957). Anyway, so that?s why I?ve not placed any caches yet. Question for all: Would you tend to stay away from a difficulty & terrain of 4 stars or would you prefer it?




[This message has been edited by Todd Svec (edited 03-27-2001).]

Guest Todd Svec

Welcome Trilobytes! icon_smile.gif


I agree that the location theme caches are very interesting, and I hope that I don't disappoint people with my caches. My planned themes are a little different: content caches versus location. What I mean by this is caches that have a theme by what?s in them, related items, whether they be CDs, coins, pens, toy cars, computer stuff, etc. It became pretty apparent to us that some of the caches out there can be kinda anticlimactic with what's in them. Yes, it's the hunt, not the kill, and don't get me wrong, I appreciate ALL the caches placed!! I think it would be MUCH more exciting to know ahead of time that a particular cache you?re setting out to find has a collection of ?tokens?! This of course is my humble opinion!


I know that having better stuff in them also raises my concern for theft. We tromped around a park for about an hour this past weekend, never finding a spot that I felt was a good hiding spot. It was either too close to were people might congregate and discover accidentally, or too difficult to get there. I was kinda bummed cause this little park in our area is relatively unknown and really pretty nice. I feel like I *must* have a good hiding spot or it might end up like the Tulsa cache (http://www.geocaching.com/seek/cache_details.asp?ID=957). Anyway, so that?s why I?ve not placed any caches yet. Question for all: Would you tend to stay away from a difficulty & terrain of 4 stars or would you prefer it?




[This message has been edited by Todd Svec (edited 03-27-2001).]

Guest Todd Svec

Originally posted by cache_ninja:

we stayed in a nice campground outside Lawrence. There seemed to be a pretty nice park there, although we arrived late at night and left the next afternoon. It would be a great spot to hide some caches, especially w/proxminity to Lawrence. c/n


Hey there! Any more specifics on the park? Was this a public place or state park? I visited Clinton Lake, and it's only downfall (as far as cachers) was a $1.50 vehicle entry fee in to the camping/marina area. Not that it's a ton of money, but seems silly to pay if you aren't sure it's in there!



Guest cache_ninja

hey, checked my giant campground book, indeed, it was Clinton State Park. Hmmm, I thought you only needed to pay to camp there. It seemed like a pretty large park, I just figured there must be areas where you can walk around, for free.



Guest Todd Svec

City of Mission Parks and Recreation

Parks and Recreation Department

Office of the Director



March 19, 2001


Dear Mr. Svec


Thank you for discussing your interest in geocaching at Streamway Park. Your ideas sounded interesting and the technology that has been developed is truly amazing.


I discussed the ideas with our Mayor and unfortunately he did not support the idea. Mayor was concerned about the attention such an activity might bring to a residential area.


I also shared your information with our staff. The possibility may exist in the future to create some sort of special event suing this type of technology such as a club or sponsored find. Thanks again for your interest. We wish you success in your recreational pursuits.



Recreation Director

Guest Paul Lamble



I know the man who placed the Santa Fe Trail caches has gotten great support from the parks people who gave him permission. The messages in the caches often say how the person "never knew this park was here" and that kind of thing. So the caches have been a draw for the park and the park managers like that.


I think we're still in the formative stages of this sport, and a lot of people will only see menace in something new.


Paul Lamble


P.S. I got your call. I'll ring you back.

Guest trilobites

ssociation, KC tourism, and USGS. Hey, sometimes it doesn't hurt to "Name drop" a little. I'm sure, I'd have a tougher sell as an unknown individual. Perhaps, we should place our caches for a "finite" time then remove or move them. In this way, we'd all have "new" locations to hunt without cluttering up (in the officials mind) their local parks.


Now for a geocachers get together, I also thought about asking Garmin to send someone to demo some of their new units. TO make it worth their while, we would need to have a crowd of 15-20.


Finally, I'm in KC today and will visit the Santa Fe Trail caches and update the goodies and make an inspection. Perhaps, make an "site visit" form that can be shown to the local parks folks as a demonstration that these caches are being watched for adverse impacts.





(Adversity breeds creativity!)

Guest Paul Lamble



You are right, of course. I think I may have overstated the enthusiasm the park managers have expressed.


But I think you are also right that caches can be a great success if they are managed. I was thinking the same thing about moving a cache after a year or so, to reduce local impact, to give seekers something new to find, to cause me to visit my own caches and make sure they are in order.


By the way, I am all for a local get together. Where, when, how, etc. I know you'd have to plan ahead since it's a drive for you. I'm still pretty busy with my teenagers (it's Prom weekend!!!!), so if you can set a date, I can better work around that and be available.


Still no word from the Star though I've talked to or written 4 different people. It's like trying to change the course of a glacier.


I also wrote Jeremy about the possibility of putting a check box on each cache page so the person who place the cache can say he did or did not get permission of the property owner or park manager. What do you think of that idea? Is it too prissy and fussy? I think most caches are placed without permission, and I think such a check box would at least call some attention to the need for it. Also, people like you who DID get permission would probably love to announce to everyone that you did, wouldn't you? Further, if a cache is on private property, I'd like to know that the farmer is okay with me walking onto his land.


Or am I being to anal retentive? I worry about the sport getting killed by too many cowboy caches (wasn't that your expression?).


Any new caches in the works?


Paul Lamble

Guest Steve McGinnis

Hello All, I'm glad to see so much activity on the forum. I too am in favor of a "Cachers Get Together", it makes no difference where it is, since my next trip cache hunting is to the Tulsa area to try and find the three out there. Seems like I have to drive over 100 miles any time I go hunting. I am going to go to Shawnee Mission tomorrow (Saturday the 31 st) and try to locate the new one up there by TrailBlazers. I don't think we have to much of a problem in the Kansas-Missouri area with four star dificultys. I would go on a hunt even if it was five star. I also don't feel that in our area, we have to worry about too many people trampling the soil around our caches. I think, (or know, in the Fort Scott area), that this is a very low impact sport. LOL I am planning on planting a few more caches in the next few months, so be watching. Happy geocaching.



Guest Todd Svec

Regarding the letter I received from the City of Mission: I need your opinion. I didn't approach the city asking for permission, just asking for involvement. With that in mind, read the letter and tell me if you think I should NOT place one at all in any of the Mission Parks....



PS: And it's election time here Tuesday for the mayor...

Guest Quinnow



Though not from your area I think I understand where you are coming from about this park thing and geocaching.

What I did in my area was found the website for our county parks (monroe county, NY)

within the site I found rules, laws and directions on what can and can't be done.

The closest thing I found pertaining to leaving a cache was the phrase "can not abandon any item in any county parks" I then looked up the word even though I knew the meaning, but wanted to confirm from a source.

It told me the word meant " to do away with, discard and throw away" which is not what I have done. I maintain the caches I place and also keep track via this site as well as my own to see how they are doing. I did not contact the park as I feel I have followed the rules they laid out. If for some reason this comes to their attention and they wish to rewrite the rules then I will go along with them. But I have hopes that by just going on my way and not involving these government yahoo's that the more people that get into geocaching in my area will also voice up when the time comes, and with this in mind the concept of picking up trash along the way to or from a cache hunt can only reinforce my rights as well as other geocachers to be able to use the parks for this sport. I would never do anything to harm a park or the area around them, if I thought a cache was going to wear a path that could not repair itself, I would remove it instantly and relocate it.



Quinn Stone

Rochester, NY.14616



[This message has been edited by Quinnow (edited 04-01-2001).]

Guest Todd Svec

Thanks for the reply. Right now, I kinda have a bad taste in my mouth about placing one, so I'm going to hold off...


As far as a get together, well, I would be happy to start recruiting and planning a get together for later this summer. Of course, I'd only give coordinates, not actual location!




Guest Steve McGinnis

I wouldn't expect any thing more.


Guest trilobites

Sound to me like the city of Mission pretty much said NO. Bummer, one thing I did in my approach was inform the person that this is a rapidly growing sport and part of your contact is to also provide them a "heads up". The fact that there are dozens and nearly dozens of dozens of caches in St. Louis parks (probably all w/o permission) indicates that caches could get to be a problem. I told them, I wanted to encourage good stewardship of the park and would like to place a cache with their consent on an experimetal basis. Perhaps by working with you, they could help "control" the growth of the sport such that it doesn't become a problem. I also indicated I would visit the cache every 2 -3 weeks through the trial period and update them on any impacts (good or bad). Anyway, their idea of "outsiders" visiting a neighboorhood park is bad, is on of the great "dumb ideas" I've heard yet. Fitting it comes from a stuffy, Johnson Co. official. Parks of for the public, don;t recall having to show ID passes to get into one. I'd wait a month or so and then make a personal visit. Also, it helped when I printed out the visitor comments to the Santa Fe Trail caches for them to read.

Guest trilobites

Last Thursday (3-29-01) I met with 3 NPS officials from their Santa Fe NM, and Denver, CO offices at Santa Fe Trail #1. They were most interested in the cache comments and level of visitor activity. Also, present were several local "community leaders and buisness folks. The consensus was that the cache was a "neat" thing and appeared to be accomplishing its goal of educating the public about local park resources and the Historic Santa Fe Trail. THIS group of NPS folks saw nothing at all wrong with the cache concept but agreed that they must be placed with a lot of thought to local resources, etc.

That afternoon I met with the director of the Frontier Trails center re; Santa Fe Trail #3. He was very excited that two different groups of geocachers had come into the museum and talked about their "find". Thank you, thank you, thank you, geocaches. THIS is the way to build support for our sport. You can bet the director will make positive comments about the cache to the city folks. He also gave me a handful for free passes to the museum that I will place in the Santa Fe Trail caches.


Again, thank you, for stopping in to the trail center and mentioning the geocache. Please continue to make the effort for this most positive PR. Remember, most officials will not initially be positive to geocaches because it may mean more work for them. Thus we need to work on this angle and "help" them manage the sport.



Guest trilobites

Grettings Folks.


Just received a letter back from the KCMO parks folks regarding the Santa Fe Trail #2 geocache in Minor Park. FYI, here's the text....

March 28, 2001

Dear John,


I am in receipt of your note of March 18, 2001 regarding the placement of a geocache in Minor Park. As I stated, we do not have any objection at this time to the placement of the material, but we do wish to monitor the situation and will reevaluate in a year or so. We certainly love the increased exposure the park is receiving and just want to be sure that there is no negative environmental impact. Let?s talk again later.




Stephen F. Lampone

Director of Operations

Kansas City Missouri Board of Parks and Recreation Commissioners

Guest Todd Svec

I'd love to get a copy of that!



Guest trilobites



I think I have your email and will email you a jpg of the letter tonight after I teach class. In a way, I'm kinda pleased that the number of caches in the KC area hasn't exploded like in St. Louis. There are so many over there that its almost hard to figure out which is worth visiting. Also, our smaller number probably works in our favor with the parks folks.

Guest Steve McGinnis

Trilobites, you might see if Paul Lamble could use a copy of your letter. He is working with the folks at the Arboretum (?), about placing a cache there,and I think it could help him.





home 20:

N 37 50.532

W094 42.371

Guest turken

out having a get together, Hayley and I would attend (depending on the when and where).



Guest Paul Lamble

Just wanted to let you fellow KC geocachers know that I just got official approval to place three caches at the Overland Park Arboretum a few minutes ago. I plan to place them this weekend, then help the park manager "find" them one day next week. If she approves their placement, I'll post the coordinates immediately.


This is a really great park, and those who go after all 3 caches will end up enjoying a 4 mile hike altogether.


Paul Lamble

Guest Steve McGinnis

Congrats Paul, looking forward to the hike. I will probably be up there this week end to find the other two, I haven't found yet.





home 20:

N 37 50.532

W094 42.371

Guest Todd Svec

Great news Paul, we'll be there!





Guest trilobites

Good News Paul!


I'm glad to see that KC area caches are growing at a slower and more thought out rate than the St. Louis caches!


I emailed you and steve a pdf file of the KCMO Parks letter from Steve Lampone approving the Santa Fe Trail #2 cache.


How about a KC area geocachers meeting in mid-July? say the weekend after the 4th? I'm thinking about outside at Schumacher Park if the weather's good. An alternative would be at Cave Springs Park (thinking of placing a cache there).

You all decide and I'm set up the email list.

Guest Todd Svec

Well, we finally placed our first theme cache. Yes, the location is not very exciting, but it *IS* different! And we're already getting ready to place our 2nd and 3rd theme caches. Yeah!


Todd & Tracy

Guest Paul Lamble



Methinks I will be watched as I search for Todd and Tracy's new cache. I wonder whose private property this is hidden on.


Placed the Arboretum caches this morning. I'll post the coordinates as soon as the park manager approves their locations (middle of next week). In the meantime . . .



Guest Steve McGinnis

I had to explain to the gentleman next door, (to the south), what I was doing hanging around T & T's back fence. (something about Neighborhood Watch). I told him about geocaching, what it is and how it works. Told him not to be too concerned if he noticed others walking around the area, looking lost.




home 20:

N 37 50.532

W094 42.371

Guest tocamara

First time in the forum. (I know, Steve, 'bout time!) Hope to got to TnT's soon. Probably will go out to LaCygne tomorrow if I could only beat Todd and Tracy! Hid my first cache tonight, in the Arboretum--without knowing P+L hid one first, oh well love it there... Good luck!

Guest Todd Svec

Hey and welcome aboard!! I think there's a very good chance you'll beat us to the next few cause we're getting ready to go on a trip and we're WAY behind on some things we have to get done.

Guest Todd Svec

I have to chuckle about something. We kinda forgot what we left where at the three Arboretum caches, so today when I was checking the logs, I notice Steve took the mug we left. Check, we got the mug right! Then it said he took the mouse mat we left, WHOOPS, guess I logged that wrong, I?ll change it (since one can now delete and re-add a log!), then on the last one, he took the road atlas (logged that wrong too) then it hit me? STEVE?S TAKING ALL OUR STUFF! <---- Said with a grin.


So, actually I?m pleased! It?s a small ritual for us to decide what we are taking, and we even have a padded storage box with all of our goodies in it. I?ve gone to some of my friends and asked for goodies, but the main supply has been computer tagged items and other freebies I got when I was in the PC purchasing field. Every once in awhile I go and sort through a box of packed away stuff and come up with all kinds of items. Kinda as a rule, we tend to leave two or more things, and I?ve been holding off on some of the better items. It?s neat to go back and read the logs and see that someone has taken an item you?ve left. Sacagawea Gold Dollar coins are obvious signs of Steve, and lapel pins Nicki & Doug; guess I better come up with a calling card for T&T!


Oh, what happened to the sausage, cheese and bread left at SMP #1?


Just rambling today?




[This message has been edited by Todd Svec (edited 19 April 2001).]

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