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puzzle caches

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Ok sooo the puzzel ones really confuse me .... when you go to the coordinates for a puzzel cache is there sopposed to be something there to help you solve the puzzel or are you sopposed to solve it before you go . Or does it vary ... we havnt done one yet but I would like too ... :) thanx

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While the cache may just happen to be at the co-ords, 90% of the time it isn't. You have to solve the puzzle with information provided on the cache page to get the true co-ords. You may also have to visit other caches(it should tell you on the cache page) you go to ABC cache and it has half the co-ords and then go to XYZ cache and it has the other half. There's many forms of puzzles-the hardest part is how to solve it.

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It varies from cache to cache. For example, this series I've been doing, Nine Princes in Amber, is a puzzle cache made up of a series of traditional caches. You take a trump card from each cache, and when you've collected all of the cards you have to arrange them in a specific order to figure out the coordinates.


I've also seen puzzle caches where the fake coordinates lead you to a starting point, and from there you have to find the actual location of the cache. One series, the Halloween Hokey Pokey, leads you to old cemeteries and you have to find the actual cache by finding a reflector with a flashlight.


A lot of puzzle caches that are meant to be solved at home have links to verifications sites where you type in what you think the coordinates are, and if you're correct it will let you know.

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cutiepie - since I know you are in RI, here's a list of some fairly straightfoward puzzle caches. For all of them, the posted copordnates are meaningless. You need to figure thngs out to get the actual coordinates of hte cache. Please don't hesitate to contact me (or the respectiuve cache owners) if you have questions.


Snippy Crab Beach

Daily News


I would avoid my puzzles in Goddard - they are a bit of a challenge for new puzzle seekers.

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Ok sooo the puzzel ones really confuse me .... when you go to the coordinates for a puzzel cache is there sopposed to be something there to help you solve the puzzel or are you sopposed to solve it before you go . Or does it vary ... we havnt done one yet but I would like too ... :) thanx


Sometimes the solving of puzzle caches requires a lot of attention to detail. Just saying.

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Some puzzle caches you can solve in the comfort of your home, and save the coordinates for when you go out. I have a bookmark list of about 10 or so that I have already solved, just need to get out to that area to find them.


Some puzzles have bogus coordinates on the cache page....the coordinates might be out in the middle of a lake or something. You have to solve the puzzle first to get the "real" coordinates. Once you have them, you can edit the coords on the cache page to the actual coords (only you will see the corrected coordinates when logged in to your account, others will still see the "bogus" numbers.


Still other puzzles require you to go to the listed coordinates to gather information you will use to figure out the real cache location, such as getting dates from a historical monument or counting how many of something is there.


Then there are the ones where the coordinates do take you to the actual cache site, but there's some puzzle to actually retrieving the cache, such as figuring out the combination to a lock or opening a tricky container.


There are many caches that fit the definition of "puzzle" caches....just when you think you've seen all the various types then someone comes up with something totally new!

Edited by Chief301
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