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Cache me if you can!!

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I have had several hits on my caches in Ohio, and some have said it is too hard to locate them!! I say "LOOK HARDER" and "DO YOUR HOMEWORK". Other hunters have had no problems because they did these two things. If your looking for a cache in the wide open for all to see, do not come looking for mine. Crying gets you NO WHERE!!! Just had to get this off my chest!! If you cannot find the cache, look around and understand the real reason your out there!! See, Hear, and Smell the outdoors. Peace!!

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Seeker BP, you are not obliged to guarantee a successful hunt to anyone! You are the cache hider and all the rights belong to you. I have no problem putting a frown face on my cache logs, and I will spend as much time as I can afford looking for a difficult cache or going back later if necessary, as long as I know the cache is still there and I'm not looking for nothing. There is a cache on my watch list right now that I couldn't find because it wasn't there. I logged it as a "Not Found," the cacher hider has been informed and concedes that it's missing ... and, I intend to go back to sign the logbook when it is restored, in spite of the fact that it is 60+ miles away. I'll work it into a future hunt in or around that same area. Until then I don't consider it a legitimate find. Cheers ...


~Rich in NEPA~




=== A man with a GPS receiver knows where he is; a man with two GPS receivers is never sure. ===

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I love hard caches (provided I know their still there, searching for hours for a nonexistant cache can be frustrating) which one specifically where bad so I can come find them some day.


I had the same thing happen with the first cache I put out, I thought it was relatively easy however I got 3 or 4 emails from people saying they couldn't find it. In fact when I explained it to one of them they told me I should explain it better and make it easier cause they got confused (they basically wanted me to hold their hand and say here it is) funny thing was a family had found it around the same time they failed so that was good. Here's to hard caches (just have to make sure they're out there otherwise people may rightfully get a little irked).

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OK, Glad to hear not everyone needs easy to get to caches. The cache that seems to be the problem is called "Down on the Farm, Bring a Flashlight" in OHIO. I even have a cache that is about a month old Called "Last Of The Mohicans," and have not even had a bite on it yet. I have made this area worth coming to hunt. The area is deep in history and excellent terrain. These caches are checked by me every 2 weeks. Very local to me!! Able to keep a good eye on things. Will be looking to see your names in my logs. Take a weekend trip and come visit the Ohio Valley occupied by TEAM E-TREX, you will not regret it!! Seeker BP

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Originally posted by seeker bp (Team E-Trex):

I have made this area worth coming to hunt. The area is deep in history and excellent terrain.

Well, SeekerBP ... if I wasn't on the other end of PA I'd sure come to look for them! Perhaps you can try adding a very nice "First Finder's" prize to provide some additional incentive? Cheers ...


~Rich in NEPA~




=== A man with a GPS receiver knows where he is; a man with two GPS receivers is never sure. ===

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I agree that hints are NOT necessary. However, the difficulty rating should reflect this. If it's an extremely tricky hiding place with no hints, don't call it a difficulty 2. And if there are a significant number of NOT FOUND logs or requests for help, don't be afraid to change the difficulty rating to reflect it. I've modified ratings on several of my caches based on logs and other feedback.



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Just to let you know that we are coming to find your 3 Mohican caches soon. Hiking in the rain with the kids is just not fun and the weekends we've had lately have either been filled with rain or obligations.


Just let me have your phone number so I can call on the cell phone for extra hints if we can't find it. icon_wink.gif


Of course it looks like this weekend will be wonderful and I'm going to be gone!

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Just to let you know that we are coming to find your 3 Mohican caches soon. Hiking in the rain with the kids is just not fun and the weekends we've had lately have either been filled with rain or obligations.


Just let me have your phone number so I can call on the cell phone for extra hints if we can't find it. icon_wink.gif


Of course it looks like this weekend will be wonderful and I'm going to be gone!

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