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Clarification on exception for Geodesy


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I have an EarthCache location in mind that deals with a specific "observation" location related to the Earth (as a whole). It is not so specifically geologic in nature, but is Earth Science related. There is actually four additional locations around the earth, but this cache can exist with, or without the other locations (all questions and such can be accomplished at the one location).


I need to see what encompasses the exception to the geodesy rule of "unless specifically linked to the location". Are there other examples of this already?


All help is appreciated. However, for the moment, I don't want to give the location away, for fear of loosing it (it has happened before).

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There's no general rule for exceptions ;) This means we cannot tell upfront if your idea would be an acceptable topic for an EarthCache.


As you don't give any details in your posting and geodesy in itself is a broad topic, I can't explain unless specifically linked to the location in a few sentences. But I can give you an example of "specifically linked to the location": Earth's Orientation - South Pole.


I suggest you create a short draft, outlining your idea & structure for this EarthCache and contact me or the local geoaware with this. We'll be happy to go over it and advice you.




Peter / GeoawareGBL / Global EarthCache Reviewer

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There's no general rule for exceptions ;) This means we cannot tell upfront if your idea would be an acceptable topic for an EarthCache.


As you don't give any details in your posting and geodesy in itself is a broad topic, I can't explain unless specifically linked to the location in a few sentences. But I can give you an example of "specifically linked to the location": Earth's Orientation - South Pole.


I suggest you create a short draft, outlining your idea & structure for this EarthCache and contact me or the local geoaware with this. We'll be happy to go over it and advice you.




Peter / GeoawareGBL / Global EarthCache Reviewer

Very much appreciate that. I will be slowly developing the content. Your example was rather helpful actually. Thank you.
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