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GSAK and the eTrex 10


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We mostly use a PN-60 but my navigator uses the e10. Been looking at trying to load more files onto the 10 so we don't have to keep swapping files with a travel laptop. Been messing around with GSAK and reading their forums but haven't found a somewhat simple way to squeeze out extra text we don't need since we have the PN. So, I have found I can create a rather large database and export it as a waypoint file. I can change some of the fields that show up in the waypoint manager in the e10. I am trying to get beyond the limits of the e10's geocache capacity limit, which seems to be around 500 or so. I thought I could do a custom query and only export those fields I choose to make a normal gpx geocache file. I am finding I need to export as a waypoint file. The waypoint may work okay but I am having trouble with the note field displayed on the e10. I can combine fields in the dialog but, for example, the difficulty will show up as 1ficulty. Anyway, I'd rather the file be a geocache file with certain information eliminated as opposed to a waypoint file. Am I making sense? Any help?



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Yes, you're making perfect sense. This is why I traded up from an eTrex 10 to the eTrex 20.


There are two limits on the eTrex 10 - number of database entries available for cache listings (2000) and free memory (just a few megabytes, I don't recall the exact number). Unless the cache descriptions and logs are very sparse or non-existent, you'll run out of memory long before you run out of data base slots. Am I making sense? :)


So here's what I'd do - Use GSAK or something similar to turn your GPX file into a LOC file - which will pretty much strip everything except name and coords. Then run the LOC file back through that to turn it into a GPX with only the bare necessities. You probably won't get to 2000 that way, but you'll definitely get more than 500.


Hope that helps.

Edited by user13371
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Try the GSAK forums.

They really are friendly and helpful.


If the macro doesn't exist, someone may write one for you.


There is/was a macro to save caches as a POI file on a GPS60 and other Garmins (http://gsak.net/board/index.php?showtopic=8932&st=0entry168285). The cache info was saved over several pages on the GPS. May also be worthwhile checking out the 'Special Tags' for further saving space.

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Thanks for the replies.


Exporting only the fields I need to use as a gpx geocache file would be my preference. Exporting as a gpx waypoint file will work. Having a little trouble with syntax. The options for the e10 are limited. For the field that displays as the note field one can enter criteria. However, if one enters-


%container %difficulty %terrain


It shows up on the e10 as-


microtainer 1ficulty 1.5rain


Odd it would strip the first three characters from the field name and append the remainder to the field value. It can be read, for sure, just not ideal.


Anyway, I tried gpsBabel and GSAK using a loc file and the results were not satisfactory. Perhaps I will try the GSAK forums if nobody has some help here.



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