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Grabbing the users location


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I am working on a Wherigo where I want to know the users distance from a location. I don't want the user to know the location but I want to be able to tell them the distance. How can I make this happen? I'm using urwigo been playing around with it for several days. If i'm able to pull the users GPS Coordinates I can calculate the distance behind scenes. Any ideas?

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I am working on a Wherigo where I want to know the users distance from a location. I don't want the user to know the location but I want to be able to tell them the distance. How can I make this happen? I'm using urwigo been playing around with it for several days. If i'm able to pull the users GPS Coordinates I can calculate the distance behind scenes. Any ideas?


You can create zones around the target-location and that way you'll be able to know where he is by the zones he already crossed...

Something like this:


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I am working on a Wherigo where I want to know the users distance from a location...


This is something that I have inside my Wherigo. I'm not sure how you are to put it inside yours.


cartGeocacheotopia.MsgBoxCBFuncs.MsgBoxCB1 = function(action)
   --Check for GPS signal.  If good, move on.
   --If not, Turtle will say that they need a better signal from the heavens above, so restart the cartridge.
   uv = Env.DeviceID
   wx = Player.ObjectLocation.altitude:GetValue(ft)
   yz = Player.PositionAccuracy:GetValue(ft)
   if ((Wherigo.NoCaseEquals(uv,"DeskTop")) or (wx < 3) or (yz <= 3) or (yz > 150)) and (testmode < 1) then
       --if Turtle does not allow Player to go on, then CB10
       Wherigo.MessageBox{Text=[[You are looking for GEOCACHEOTOPIA; I know this.]],Media=zmediaturtle,Buttons={"Wow! You're good.",},Callback=cartGeocacheotopia.MsgBoxCBFuncs.MsgBoxCB10}
   else --else Turtle lets them pass
       Wherigo.MessageBox{Text=[[You are looking for GEOCACHEOTOPIA; I know this. I think you are finally ready.]],Media=zmediaturtle,Buttons={"Wow! You're good.",},Callback=cartGeocacheotopia.MsgBoxCBFuncs.MsgBoxCB2}
   end --if
end --CB1

cartGeocacheotopia.MsgBoxCBFuncs.MsgBoxCB10 = function(action)
   --Tell Player to restart and try again.
   Wherigo.MessageBox{Text=[[unfortunately, your ability to communicate with the GPS heavens above is not quite adequate at the moment.  Go get a good signal and restart this Wherigo cartridge.  We will continue then.]],Media=zmediaturtle,Buttons={"I'll be back.",},Callback=cartGeocacheotopia.MsgBoxCBFuncs.MsgBoxCB11}
end --CB10

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I have several utility functions within my Battleship cartridge, which is easier to read and understand than Whack-A-Lackey. Both cartridges are open source, so feel free to look around. Battleship is well-commented and organized.


Here's one of the functions you might find useful:

function DistanceFromZone(zone, units)
local d2,b2 = Wherigo.VectorToPoint(Player.ObjectLocation, zone.OriginalPoint)
local d = d2(units)
--print("Distance from zone " .. zone.Name .. " = " .. d)
return d


You give it a zone and units (e.g. feet, meters) and it will tell you how far the player is from that zone in those units. Simple, and exactly what you wanted: it'll tell you the player's distance from a certain location. You could also modify it to accept coordinates if you'd like, as both parameters of VectorToPoint are coordinates (note: I have not tested this):

function DistanceFromCoords(latitude, longitude, units)
local d2,b2 = Wherigo.VectorToPoint(Player.ObjectLocation, Wherigo.ZonePoint(latitude, longitude))
local d = d2(units)
--print("Distance from coords " .. zone.Name .. " = " .. d)
return d

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