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Bug—cannot resubmit

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I am finding, on those very, very rare occasions (misunderstandings only), when one of my waymarks is rejected, that I cannot resubmit. The reason is that I edit the waymark, hit the update key, but then the website tells me that I did not make any changes, and thusly, no option to resubmit. I find that if I put in lots of superfluous text the website will grasp that changes were made, but then I have to notify the category officers, and then delete the unnecessary text. This has been going on for a while, but it seems to be getting worse. Any chance of a speedy fix?

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I guess I have been lucky... I don't get too many declined but usually the only time that it rejects is if all I do is change the private message it does not recognize that as a change. I usually just add and extra space somewhere and all is good.

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I guess I have been lucky... I don't get too many declined but usually the only time that it rejects is if all I do is change the private message it does not recognize that as a change. I usually just add and extra space somewhere and all is good.


Initially, that was all it took for me to be able to resubmit, but now I am finding that I have to add lines of text in the 'long description' before the site will recognise that I have changed the original. Even worse, I am finding on one resubmit, that no amount of textual ramblings will generate a resubmit option. This problem has steadily been growing worse. I get very few declines, also. Almost none. Always misunderstandings, on those very few occasions.

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I guess I have been lucky... I don't get too many declined but usually the only time that it rejects is if all I do is change the private message it does not recognize that as a change. I usually just add and extra space somewhere and all is good.


I've noticed this when editing my waymarks before submission. If the last thing I do is add a private message, the change is not recognized. Otherwise, even a small change - period, comma, deletion, etc. is recognized. I haven't tried an extra space. I can usually find something to tweak. Of course if it is declined, then I may have a LOT to tweak!


So, your experience, Ian, is puzzling. Any others find this happening?

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If I need to add just a private message, I flip the State menu to some other state as I save the private message. Then go right back into edit, flip the State back to what it should be and save again. You can see that your private message "stuck" in the second edit. Downside is two edits, but it's guaranteed.

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@DougK. I tried flipping the country (no states in the land of the Thais), but to no avail. There is one particular waymark, one been sitting for months waiting for my return so that I can add a pic of me interacting with a 'sit by me' statue. Maybe my pic is too much for the website?

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