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Hidden info when all are archived


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I recently clicked on the Hidden in the profile of a local geocacher and got the following:


No results have been found. This user may not have hidden a cache somewhere yet, or perhaps places caches under another username.


Turns out that all his caches have been archived. This never dawned on me, so I emailed him about why his caches weren't showing and even suggest that Geocaching.com was broken.


Can you please change the blurb on the Not Found condition to also suggest that all the caches have been ARCHIVED.



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Will TPTB consider changing the following blurb:


No results have been found. This user may not have hidden a cache somewhere yet, or perhaps places caches under another username.


You get this if you click on the number hidden on a person's profile when all caches are archived.


It just seems wrong to click on the the number (16) and then get this message. Obviously the geocacher has hidden caches it says so in his profile, so how about adding.

Or all the caches have been archived.

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Originally posted by mtn-man:

I think most people just naturally assume that if the user's profile list "X" number of caches hidden and there are less than that number on that users hidden caches page that those caches have been archived. That would seem to be a given, no?


I agree completely when at least one cache shows up but my brain is slow so when nothing comes up and it showed the hider had so many I figured it was wrong. A BUG in code. But no all 16 had been archived.


How about a line that says the hider has X many previously hidden caches that are now archived?


If they are temporarily disabled they show up.

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