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Adoping a cache?


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I would not want to do this without the cache owner asking and would rather the cache owner just take care of it but worried he might not be able to anymore. This is on a really cool trail on national forest grounds. I love this trail and have biked it many times and wish there were more caches on it but you cant place any new ones there are just ones that were already there that are aloud. The container is broken and needs maintenance. It has been published that it needs to be fixed and I have also emailed him about it. I asked if I could change it out for him. I can see he was a avid cacher but has not had any finds in a few years. I am hoping he is OK. I'm thinking something happened to him and would hate to loose a grandfathered cache. I might just change out the container but would like to get emails about how it is doing and if there is new maintenance that needs to be done. I don't want to step on any toes but also don't want to loose the only cache on this cool trail as no new ones will be allowed. I might just go change it out and hope it lasts for as long as possible but I drive by it every day and could take care of it. I was wondering if there was anyway to keep up with it. I don't want the credit for it or anything but just want it to stay alive on the trail I would like to place a cache on. It would be a shame not to have a cache on that trail. Any advice on what can be done or do we just let it die? :(


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I would not want to do this without the cache owner asking and would rather the cache owner just take care of it but worried he might not be able to anymore. This is on a really cool trail on national forest grounds. I love this trail and have biked it many times and wish there were more caches on it but you cant place any new ones there are just ones that were already there that are aloud. The container is broken and needs maintenance. It has been published that it needs to be fixed and I have also emailed him about it. I asked if I could change it out for him. I can see he was a avid cacher but has not had any finds in a few years. I am hoping he is OK. I'm thinking something happened to him and would hate to loose a grandfathered cache. I might just change out the container but would like to get emails about how it is doing and if there is new maintenance that needs to be done. I don't want to step on any toes but also don't want to loose the only cache on this cool trail as no new ones will be allowed. I might just go change it out and hope it lasts for as long as possible but I drive by it every day and could take care of it. I was wondering if there was anyway to keep up with it. I don't want the credit for it or anything but just want it to stay alive on the trail I would like to place a cache on. It would be a shame not to have a cache on that trail. Any advice on what can be done or do we just let it die? :(


You can put a watch on it, then you will see when anyone logs it.


You can't adopt it yourself, the CO has to go to geocaching.com/adopt and enter your username as his chosen adoptee, then you will get an email asking you to follow a link and accept the adoption.


When it's working, which today it was not. :(


If the CO is absent log a Needs Archived. The Reviewer will try to contact the CO. If he can't he'll likely archive it, opening the location for you to place a cache there.

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Yea that is the problem. I cant place a cache there and no one else can because it is grandfathered in a place that new ones are not allowed. If it get archived there just wont be any there. I was just checking to see if there was some way to do it. I will put a watch on it and change out the container.


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Warninjas, could you please delete any photos of travel bugs or coins that you have posted that show the trackable number. You can blur out the sensitive number and re-submit the photo.




As for maintaining a cache that you don't own, that's all well and good. And I understand your desire to do that with this particular cache.


The problem is that you aren't able to deal with things should a "needs maintenance" log be posted. Only the cache owner can post the "owner maintenance" log that can clear NM's.


And should a "Needs Archived" log get posted, well... :(

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I will definitely do that! Do you have a link to the post that I did that? I only recall posting up one travel bug and I blurred out the numbers on that one because I read of the problem. I don't want to do that to any travel bug. Mine or someone elses. I will look to see if I can find it. I might have done it before I knew about it.


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Yea that is the problem. I cant place a cache there and no one else can because it is grandfathered in a place that new ones are not allowed. If it get archived there just wont be any there. I was just checking to see if there was some way to do it. I will put a watch on it and change out the container.


I would replace the cache container in this case. We have similar ones in my area that are ownerless and maintained by the community, and Groundspeak is quite aware of these listings. Many are old listings, and the geocommunity wants them left and not archived. Others like you say are in locations that is no longer so geocache friendly and allow the old ones to still remain that are on established trails and trailheads.

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