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Does the android app integrate with Google Maps?


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I just sold my GPSr and got a shiny new Samsung Galaxy S android smartphone. Before I buy the official Geocaching app, can someone tell me how it works? Does this integrate with google maps? I'm going on an extended road trip soon, and will be using the phone as a GPS while driving. It would be cool if I could see caches right on the google map, which I could click to access the cache info in the Geocaching app. Is this how it works? Or does anyone have recommendations for an easy way to do this? Thank you.

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The Android app does user Google Maps directly in the app. This is separate from the 'Maps' button which takes you to the full blown Google maps with searching and directions etc.. Google recently upgraded its map software to 5.0 The app (pretty much any app) still use an older version.


Some things to consider. The older map only works when you have a data connection. So if you travel to a location without data coverage, the map won't show. If you don't have a good data plan, this could be expensive. The newer google map applications is supposed to be able to cache maps for offline use IF you create a route plan while connected to a network. This would be nice but unfortunately, the caching app doesn't use that version yet.


If you are traveling, you should consider pre-downloading GPX files into the phone. This way, you will at least know where caches are relative to your current location even if no data connection and map 1re available.


You might also want to take a look at an app called GeoHunter. IMO, it is heads and shoulders above the GCs app

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your phone will need to do some multitasking.


To do the navigating, run the google navigation app. Once that is started use whatever geocaching app that you like on map mode to find caches as you drive along. GC.com can give you caches along a route as a gpx file that you load into your app (i'd go with geobeagle or geohunter myself). happy hunting

Edited by bswanderer
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