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Cache Distance Errors

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Has anyone been getting bad readings on the distance from there home location to the Caches on the Cache Listing page?


Before TPTB did work on the site the readings, distance wise were spot on, now a Cache that is 3/4 mile from me is now showing as 7+ miles. When the Cache was first listed it showed as being 3/4 miles from my home location. Caches that are a couple of miles away are showing as being .6 of a mile away.


I can see the cache location from my deck.


This is the cache (GC29GF5) am referring to. I live at the end of Bittersweet Rd. that shows on the listing map.

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Has anyone been getting bad readings on the distance from there home location to the Caches on the Cache Listing page?


Before TPTB did work on the site the readings, distance wise were spot on, now a Cache that is 3/4 mile from me is now showing as 7+ miles. When the Cache was first listed it showed as being 3/4 miles from my home location. Caches that are a couple of miles away are showing as being .6 of a mile away.


I can see the cache location from my deck.


This is the cache (GC29GF5) am referring to. I live at the end of Bittersweet Rd. that shows on the listing map.

Are you using the actual coordinates of your house in your profile, or your zip code?


Zip codes locations are based on the center of a delivery area and change fairly often.


If you are using the actual coordinates then I would post this in the GC website forum since the right people are not likely to see it in this one.

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The cache referenced above may not be the best place to try this, since it would involve wet wheeling, but on another cache in the area try clicking on the Driving Directions link and see where it starts your trip from.


You were right it did take me around by road but the distance still way off. I checked several other local Caches via driving directions and they are all way off.


Thanks for your reply.

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The cache referenced above may not be the best place to try this, since it would involve wet wheeling, but on another cache in the area try clicking on the Driving Directions link and see where it starts your trip from.


You were right it did take me around by road but the distance still way off. I checked several other local Caches via driving directions and they are all way off.


Thanks for your reply.

Where did the driving directions start from, relative to your home caching area or home coordinates, whichever you set in your profile? My guess is that the driving directions will start at the same point as the distance to caches is measured from. But that is just a guess.

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