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Mystery Coin Event

The Bell Witch

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:D:) Why I live so far away????? :):(


I wish I could see you but... :( I am wishing you all the best in the event my friends! :) I am sure that some geocachers will be the luckiest men & women in that day by meeting you!!! :D


December 5th?? One day before my and my brother's in law name day! :D


Here in Greece, except Birthdays, we celebrate namedays too! What is a name day? the day we celebrate a Saint, all who have the same name with the Saint celebrate their name day! :)


Usually, in the Saints, we celebrate the day they died! It is the only date we know for most of them, but we actually celebrate that they went to Heaven close to God! On December 6th, St. Nikolas died! :D


On December 5th.... is the St. Savvas day! :D

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If my in-laws had not changed their usual december routine (we rotate each year - MI, PA, FL, this year was supposed to be us heading to FL in December), we'd be going to this event (and to visit the in-laws in FL). It is not too far from their place. But...we heading to MI this year at the end of December instead. Bummer! Looks like an awesome event!

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What is SinterKlaas doing overthere? December 5th he is supposed to visit all Dutch children and give them presents! :)

And us coiners he should give nice mystery coins ;):)


SinterKlaas is a nice sweet friend of mine who has donated a coin for the event so one American child will get his present. Don't worry cause he will be there on December 5th.


Thar will be some more new mysteries ya'll ain't seen yet



Edited by The Bell Witch
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What is SinterKlaas doing overthere? December 5th he is supposed to visit all Dutch children and give them presents! :)

And us coiners he should give nice mystery coins ;):)


SinterKlaas is a nice sweet friend of mine who has donated a coin for the event so one American child will get his present. Don't worry cause he will be there on December 5th.


Thar will be some more new mysteries ya'll ain't seen yet




I wish SinterKlass would come visit me! But maybe he will when I come down there. ;):D:ph34r:

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I was so bummed last month when work kept me from GCF in Salt Lake City this year and I missed out on so many nice coins but with plans on being at Cacheapalooza 4 in a few weeks and a chance to meet or find so may mystery coins I'm feeling much better! ;)


I'm thinking of a way to explain to muggles that I'm looking for a Witch, a Reaper, a Greenman, a Shadow, a Fairy, a Wizard and Santa Clause!.... I just hope they don't send a wagon with guys in white coats after me! :);)


This should be a fun weekend with over 200 new caches as well! I'm looking forward to sharing some firewater with Chief Talking Bull around the campfire, and the opportunity to trade coins and pathtags with everyone throughout the weekend! :)



See you there Bell Witch!




PS...looking forward to canoeing the water trails in JDSP and meeting Tenn. Jed as well... :D

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