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Numbers in Canada


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HI folks,


Does anyone know how I can find out how many caches there are in Canada and how many there were in Canada in 2001 at this time?


And how I would find out how many cachers there are registered with geocaching.com now? And is there a way of knowing how many cachers in Canada?


Or do you know the answers? :)


I was interviewed today for a geocaching story that is going to run in an outdoor canada magazine (i forget the name right now, will look it up and add it later) and did not know those answers but said I would find out today.



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You can go to www.archive.org, which is a website that has "snapshots" of just about any website in the world at any given time. For example, this is what Geocaching.com looked like on August 4th, 2001. I thought I'd get lucky and the "search by country" function would work, but it doesn't. And it didn't work for dozens of archived versions of Geocaching.com I looked at from 2000-2003.


So in other words, no dice on the number of caches in Canada in 2001, you'll just have to rely on memories, like those of Tequilla.


The 2,762,000th world-wide account was created today, October 20th. I have no idea how many a day, maybe a couple of thousand? I did this by finding the newest newbie I could find in the getting started forum, going to their profile to see what their ID was, and just plugging in a few numbers by trial and error.


Oh, and this topic has come up in the past, and I've always been of the opinion at least 50% of the accounts are never used to find or hide a cache, and it's just people signing up for something on the internet.

Edited by TheWhiteUrkel
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Great! Thanks! to both of you.


I actually figured out how to get the numbers of current active caches in Canada.... 74 176 is what I got.

Interesting number for the number of accounts created. I included that in the email that I sent to the guy that interviewed me.

I also included that I was not able to get some of the numbers that he asked for.

And by the way... it was Outdoor Canada that interviewed me. I will let you know when the article is suppose to run. He said that he would let me know.


Thanks again!

Edited by brendah
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Oh, and this topic has come up in the past, and I've always been of the opinion at least 50% of the accounts are never used to find or hide a cache, and it's just people signing up for something on the internet.


The first step for someone who's curious about the hobby but doesn't know anyone that's already into it is probably to go to the site to check out how many are in their area. Which, they soon discover, requires registering.

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