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Getting Help on Puzzle Caches

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I know we're not supposed to ask for help on any specific cache on these forums, so I won't.

I'm just wondering how people do get help for puzzle caches.

I know a lot of people have caching friends they ask (I constantly see the logs say as much), but if one doesn't know anyone who caches, what can they do?


I've finally found a few easy puzzle caches I've done, but that has only whet my appetite for more.

Most of these really have me stumped though.


Some I don't even know the question to answer. like this one is a good example



No, don't post an answer to that cache in particular, it is considered bad forum manners. (and I don't want to cause any problems here)

But where do others begin to find their own way? :D

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I know we're not supposed to ask for help on any specific cache on these forums, so I won't.

I'm just wondering how people do get help for puzzle caches.

I know a lot of people have caching friends they ask (I constantly see the logs say as much), but if one doesn't know anyone who caches, what can they do?


I've finally found a few easy puzzle caches I've done, but that has only whet my appetite for more.

Most of these really have me stumped though.


Some I don't even know the question to answer. like this one is a good example



No, don't post an answer to that cache in particular, it is considered bad forum manners. (and I don't want to cause any problems here)

But where do others begin to find their own way? :D


Well, the first and most reliable source for help should be from the cache owner.Have you e-mailed the cache owner for a hint or told them that you are stuck and need help? The majority of cache owners are more than willing to help someone solve/find their cache,but they need to be "asked " first. If the cache owner is tight lipped and offers no help (sadly it happens) ...see if one of the previous finders would be willing to help you out.

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A while back, The Rat offered a puzzle-solving class as an event cache. His slides are available here:



Among the tips he offered:


Identify the theme. Check the cache title, the hint, the HTML source, the graphics (including names/URLs), any links (including URLs), whatever is at the posted coordinates, etc. If you can figure out the theme, then you should look for numbering systems that are associated with that theme (zip codes, area codes, telephone keypads, episode numbers, etc.).


Around here, coordinates will have 15 digits, and will look like "N 37° xx.xxx W 122° xx.xxx". So when I'm solving a nearby puzzle, I look for a group of 15 things, and then I look for ways to get the digits 37xxxxx122xxxxx from them. In general, I look for ways to get the number 37 (or the digits 3 and 7) from something near the beginning of the puzzle, and the number 122 (or the digits 1, 2, and 2) from something near the middle of the puzzle. (Of course, you'll need to adjust this for the coordinates near you.)


Another useful resource is the Puzzle Solving 101 Series


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Thanks for all the feedback everyone.


i looked up the slides. I think they really need the lecture to go with them for someone like me.

THe puzzle caches that are puzzle lessons are great. I did the first already and will finish them all later. Although I won't be headed out to find the final anytime soon, it was really helpful.


The pages of the CA group are interesting too.


On the puzzle cache that is the first lesson, it lists what it claims is feedback. My favorites:


"Keep up the fantastic puzzle caches....especially the ones that require alcohol consumption."


"The cache is fine - the owner needs maintenance."


Thanks all! and keep them ideas and lesson pages coming!

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