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I'm a bit ticked off

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After much research, I finally bought a GPSMap 60cx (refurbished) on eBay. The unit arrived quickly, looked like new, and worked perfectly....until I went to the Garmin site to upload Software 3.9 The software transferred to the unit successfully, but not the chipset. Now my unit says "GPS SW VER 0.00". Support was unable to solve the problem, now I have to wait while the unit travels across the continent, to be replaced with another one. A bit of a bummer, I hope the next one works. :)

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Thats a known issue. You should be able to just reload the update from webupdater.


After much research, I finally bought a GPSMap 60cx (refurbished) on eBay. The unit arrived quickly, looked like new, and worked perfectly....until I went to the Garmin site to upload Software 3.9 The software transferred to the unit successfully, but not the chipset. Now my unit says "GPS SW VER 0.00". Support was unable to solve the problem, now I have to wait while the unit travels across the continent, to be replaced with another one. A bit of a bummer, I hope the next one works. :)

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