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GPS points at the wrong place

Cap K

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hi guys


firt thing: sorry for the bad english, its not my mother tongue


i have got a problem:

when i started geocaching i used my cousins gps and it was working

last christmas, he gave it to me as a gift, but deleted/changed all data before.

now, when caching, the gps points to a place about 100meter away from me

i read the manual but didnt found a way to fix it, can you help me?


my device is a garmin etrex(the yellow thingy)


thank you! tim


Also if you do a find, select a waypoint and then scroll over to map to look at the map and hit enter while looking at the map you are now in the waypoint edit mode. If you happen to scroll with the joystick your moving the waypoint. Hit enter again and you save the waypoint at the new location. easy to do, happens to many.




Check the datum. It should be set to the WGS84 datum


it is


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wont help either :/


but thx for the answers

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