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Double Posts in the Forums


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For those that occasionally have double posts in the forums, typically, if you get a time-out error when trying to make a new post, or followup to an existing topic, the message usually does get saved on the first try, so there's no need to hit the refresh button to try and post again, which often results in a double post. Every time I get a timeout error after making a post, I just hit the back button on my browser, instead of refresh, and indeed, my message has always been posted the first time, despite the timeout error that I receive. I'm not sure where the appropriate place to post this is, but if people just check the topic message list to see if their post went through the first time, it would eliminate a lot of the double posts that always seem to show up.

Edited by vwaldoguy
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Hey CR, guess I was being optimistic, but how many times a day do you see those double posts, which usually go something like, "Site hiccuped, double post. Text deleted." Guess in the big scheme, it doesn't really matter a hill of beans if there are double posts, but just passing along something I've learned what not to do when you get that dreaded timeout error.

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