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Unable to download loc or gpx files


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I am confused on what to do. I have an Oregon 400t and Garmin trip and waypoint manager software loaded on my computer. I can download geocaches to my Oregon without problem but cannot load loc or gpx files. What is my missing piece so I can send waypoints to my waypoint manager from my Oregon? Thanks for your help.

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I don't understand. Are you having trouble downloading the .GPX files, or are you just having trouble loading them into your Oregon?


If you are having trouble loading them to your Oregon then I would download a program called EasyGPS. It's totally free and pretty easy to figure out. If you do decide to go this route and you still have trouble, just post back in hererr and we will see what we can do for you.

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Thank you all for your input. I did download EasyGPS and can now download either the loc or gpx files. I was able to download as geocache all along but I thought the loc and gpx files would show in my waypoint file on my GPS but they show under geocaches as well. Thanks again.

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