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60CSX Seems Slower Than Before

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My 60csx is about 2 years old and have the whole USA loaded into it on a 2 gig card. I have the latest 3.70 software updates, new batteries...etc. I also have WAAS on (always since new).


When I drive and turn, the maps used to refresh at a pretty good speed and align itself to the way I am going (Map set to North at top, Off-road).


Now, I bought the 60 CSX up in Wisconsin and I see the slowdown here in Dallas. Sometimes it takes 20-30 seconds to redraw the new direction I'm going.


Is it because there are more roads here in Dallas to redraw? Or more POI's that have to be loaded?


If it is the number of POI's, can I load maps to the 60CSX without the POI's (since I use this for Geocaching only)?.




Also, in the last few months. I have noticed that the course pointer sometimes points in the opposite direction of the cache even though the distance shows a decrease in distance. I've calibrated the compass (2 turns).


What gives there?

Edited by Drooling_Mongoloid
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I have seen the compass arrow turning in the opposite direction of the cache also. It has happened twice, I fixed it by turning the unit on and off. I have not seen it on the 3.70 firmware yet.


Redraw shouldn't be taking that long unless there is an issue with SD card you might want to reformat and put the maps back on and see if it corrects.

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When I drive and turn, the maps used to refresh at a pretty good speed and align itself to the way I am going (Map set to North at top, Off-road).


Now, I bought the 60 CSX up in Wisconsin and I see the slowdown here in Dallas. Sometimes it takes 20-30 seconds to redraw the new direction I'm going.

Do you detail level in your maps set to More or Most? In a heavily urbanized area, that can slow down redraws. If your area in Wisconsin was pretty rural, it might not have made much difference in redraw speed there.
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Ok, I re-loaded the maps with the services turned off...and in the 60csx I turned off "Points" (Setup, Map, Points=off) to stop the POI's from drawing (1000's of them here) and I set the detail to More (instead of most)...and now I get decent redraws again.


Yea, Dallas has a few more roads than Madison, WI.


Thanks to both of you....

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