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Preform Torture Test

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The original test preform and lid are now sitting back in the bucket of water, where it will stay for a couple of days in the sunshine. I want to see if there was any damage from the hammer blows.


I got thinking about a previous incident while placing this bucket on my front porch. A few years ago the resident Newfoundland dog found my GPSr on the porch while I was letting it recalibrate after an upgrade. He used it for a chew toy for a while, before discarding it. (It still works, to this day).


If he doesn't find this preform before the drowning test is complete, I will coat it with peanut butter and let him give it a go. That would be a true test of the great outdoors! :laughing::laughing:


I have had a few preforms carried a little ways off by animals and then discarded with a few chew marks on them. It might have been the camo tape I used on it.

Tried wiring them but it rust out in a few years. I have galvanized air craft cable I am now going to try.


You could also use plastic tie wraps/cable ties to secure them. I am not sure what they call them where you are but the are the small plastic straps that you wrap around and then pass through itself and pull to tighten. Here they go by those two names and a few others. Also they come in a bunch of colors so you can try to cammo it a bit if you want but from speaking to people that install ones that are exposed to a lot of UV from the sun, the black ones last the longest.

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"Hey I was enjoying this thread, hence my defense of it. Can't wait to see your analysis of true Lock-N-Lock vs imitation Lock-N-Lock containers."


Oh heck....I can be your Guiding Light on that, with the greatest of ease!

True Lock-N-Lock : s'Good.

Imitation Lock-N-Lock : s'Bad. Mm'kay?



+ + +


Mag Magician:

"Star*Hopper, I was born lazy and that made me smart, or I was born smart and that made me lazy. I have no clue which way it happened, but I have learned that the path of least resistance in placing caches is placing smart and lazy."


Now, that's an analysis I can like! :laughing:


"I have used some type containers that were reputed to be the best and latest innovation, only to have them fail within a few months. Just check out the maintenance logs and archived logs on my hides. Now, If I can test a container before placing it in the wild, thereby saving me many unnecessary maintenance trips, I will pass that information on to other cache hiders who may or may not benefit from that information."


Y'know, maybe I was a bit unfair in that I have the advantage of knowin' a thing or two about these preforms - past experience....but din't say so. I had an uncle who worked in the bottling industry, & I got to 'play around' with some of the originals - you remember the ones that used to have a black 'cap' on the bottom? He gave me a bunch of green preforms (7-Up) & ....well.....let's just say everyone at my school knew where the 2-liter bottles were 'borned from'. The only one I ever knew to 'fail' was....well, think railroad. And train. And youth. And the less said, the better! :laughing:


"If the forum world of geocaching wants no more constructive information being posted, I can certainly avoid posting. (well, not really! I'm a forum junkie)"


Au contrare, mon frer.....not what I said, implied, insinuated, nor alluded to - at ALL! By all means, post away!!

But if you'll stop & think about it, my intent, tho presented in a light vein, was to be constructive also - and quite literal! All I's sayin' was, you can cut to the chase - they're good! (AFA 'sturdiness' & waterproofing goes.) And the proof's in da puddin'.


"Thanks to all who have responded on this thread, and I hope to see you all in the field some day."



And a hearty 'Same here' for/from me!

(But I'll say, "days".....else that'll be one crowded field!!!)



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