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Making custom routes for caching enroute?


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I know how to lay out a route in Mapsource. I know there an explanation on this site for caching along a rout using Google earth. But I want to pick the route I'm taking, back roads, and see if there are caches along that route, How can I lay out my route with mapsource, or any other software and then use it to find aches along the route?


Or if you don't need a Pocket Query of the data, plan your route in MapSource, and select "View in Google Earth". Then be sure you have the Geocaching KML downloaded and opened in Google Earth and you should be able to visually locate the caches in proximity to your route.


but a pock query would allow me to load all the caches at once. THe KML I would need to load the cahce one at at tine to the GPS unit and not have a query fpr the PAlm.

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