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I Need somekinda software


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OK here is the deal. i bought a Garmin Astro 220 which is a gps unit as well as a tracking system for hunting dogs. i bought it for the tracking system part but have now started using it in the car as well.


I am looking to add some map and details in there but have not the first clue as to what is best. Here is what i need. I do some traveling so i need roads and information like that but when i am hunting i need roads as well as lakes,rivers, and streams. I dont want a topo cause all the topo lines are confusing while tracking the dogs. I have seen the roads and recreation CD and that looks like what i need but they stopped selling that in 2004. is there anything out there like that now or where can you buy a used cd. i know that the roads and rec. software was not a closed cd and could be used as many times as need be.


thanks for the help. David

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If your unit supports autorouting, City Navigator is a good choice. If it doesn't MetroGuide is the way to go.


If you want lakes rivers and streams, you need Topo. The above two don't show most of that. If your unit has a color display, contour lines shouldn't be confusing

Edited by briansnat
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Can't you customize the screen? With my IFinder Pro, I can remove or add detail to my topographical maps (names, names of streets, boundaries, county lines, railway tracks, roads, etc etc). I'm sure you can remove the contour lines from the display on the screen.

Edited by phern47
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Can't you customize the screen? With my IFinder Pro, I can remove or add detail to my topographical maps (names, names of streets, boundaries, county lines, railway tracks, roads, etc etc). I'm sure you can remove the contour lines from the display on the screen.


really i have no idea about that. if i can do topo without the lines that would be fine. is that a mapsource map that you got or what is that ifinder pro?

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