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Custom Geo Banner Tracking


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I started this thread on advise from Eartha. I had begun looking for a TB tag with KY, TN or KTAG in it to have our Banner Trackable. But as she mentioned, we could not advertise that number without the possibility of virtual logs so I propose TPTB start selling custom reference numbers for Geocaching Organization's Banners. Here is what I envision:


-----------------------Cut from last thread-----------------------

Since most TB reference numbers start with "TB". If TPTB starts selling special Geo Organization numbers, the reference numbers can start with "GO" for Geocache Organization or "BA" for Banner and allow the rest to be the organizations call letters such as GOKTAG or BAKTAG for my particular one. That way the new numbers would not have to be checked against ones already out there and the tracking numbers can just be generated using the same method already in use. I doubt there are so many organizations out there that this would take any significant amount of time even if there is a rush in the beginning. After that it would be a few at a time as new organizations are formed and banners created. I would be willing to purchase these numbers at a geocoin price of $10-$12 and I bet others would do it as well.




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