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Cache list on map page


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Soooo, what's up with that list of caches on the google map page???!!!

They seem to be listed in a totally random order. No longer are they listed from the center out. As you scroll down through the list, the caches light up on the map all over the place. Is this going to change sometime in the near future?


This has been there since the cache list was put on the new maps.

The cache page that you got the map from isn't nesissarily the cache in the center of the page and probably not the top cache on the list. And if you highlight the caches one at a time from the top of the list, the caches that get highlighted on the map aren't in any logical order. It's like the cache list is in a random order.

Here, try it ..........



It seems quite apparent that the caches are being listed in the order of their GC code # -- a rough approximation of their publication date.


At least this lets you know that the ones on the top of the list will possibly have a good, well established geotrail to them and thus possibly even be easier to find. It keeps you from worrying too much about those newly listed caches, cause they could have all sorts of problems still. :D;)


It seems quite apparent that the caches are being listed in the order of their GC code # -- a rough approximation of their publication date.


At least this lets you know that the ones on the top of the list will possibly have a good, well established geotrail to them and thus possibly even be easier to find.


I guess that's one way to look at it.

Posted (edited)

At least you guys are getting caches on your map. I stopped getting them again. I was getting them even though the little spinning thing wasn't spinning. Now no caches. Page displays with error on page. Any ideas?

Edited by Richard E

At least you guys are getting caches on your map. I stopped getting them again. I was getting them even though the little spinning thing wasn't spinning. Now no caches. Page displays with error on page. Any ideas?


Is this when you use the "Map It" button at the top right of the cache listing? This feature worked for me since last October and abruptly quit a week or maybe more ago. I do not think anything else changed on my computer.


Can this be looked at? I am trying to get ready for GW6 in my 'spare time', as well as my normal cache research, and really need this feature. Otherwise it is very cumbersome for me and I use LOTS more paper!





Is this when you use the "Map It" button at the top right of the cache listing?


I must be blind. Where is this "Map It" button?

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