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Uploading Topo 08 on new GPS with Mac

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Hey out there!!! So I am new here and practically a new born to the world of GeoCaching and GPS's in general. I have a Mac Pro, PowerBook G4, and a new eTrex Vista HCx, and I picked up a copy of Topo 2008 after finding out that the basemap is pretty useless. It was when I sat down with all of these things that I realized that I have no idea how to get the Topos onto the GPS since Garmin Mapsource isn't Mac friendly.


I did some research and the only thing I could find was that its possible but you have to have a PC or a version of Windows. Well I have neither of these things, haha. I read also that there is a way to get the maps on to the GPS using Garmin Training Center for Mac, therefore eliminating Windows altogether but the poster in the comments that I read didn't elaborate at all.


So I was wondering if any of you out there know how to fix this little problem of mine. Thanks Much!

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Right now with your set up its a matter of compromise. Being a OS X user myself I've come to grips that I can't run the same programs as PC users unless I'm willing to install bootcamp or other windows emulators. Garmin is working on a OS X version, but don't hold your breath.


I use my Vista Cx with the installed base maps and take hard copy topo maps with me. I also print my own maps using National Geographic TOPO. I'm able to see more of the layout that I would on my screen and I like having a "map" with me just in case. That's just me, but I would get your money back for the Topo 2008 disk if you can. Good Luck!

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This is basically how I've used Magellan an Lowrance mapping software on my Mac. No reason I know of that it wouldn't work with Garmin:


1) Install VMWare's Fusion on your Mac Pro




which you can run in eval/demo mode for 30 days.


2) Install Windows 2000 or XP in the virtual machine. Stay away from Vista. Where you get your copy of Windows is up to you. I do not endorse piracy in any way, but you could probably find quite a few sources, legit or otherwise.


3) Spend your 30 days eval period in VM Ware making/extracting all the map segments your likely to use, and burn them to a DVD or dircetly to memory cards that you'll use in the GPS. It really should NOT take that long. When I was using a Lowrance GPS, I extracted their entire US/topo product in just a few hours.


Once you've done that, you can take Windows and VM Ware off of your system***. For managing tracks, routes, waypoints, etc I have almost NEVER used the manufacturer's software - I prefer Google Earth and I can translate the data between formats using GPSBabel.


*** On the other hand, if you invested in a legit copy of Windows and can foresee the need for other PC-only products in the future, pony up the $80 for a VMWare Fusion license. It's worth the money if you need it for more than one or two projects!

Edited by lee_rimar
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I bought the regional Topo 08 on SD card instead of CD, but I was able (using a Mac) to copy it directly from the 1GB MicroSD that it comes on to a 2GB MicroSD that I have in my 60CSx. Don't know if it matters, but the card was named GARMIN and the maps were in a folder on the card (the folder was also called GARMIN). I renamed my card and created the folder, then copied the two files (GMAPSUPP.IMG and GMAPSUPP.UNL) into the new folder. I popped it into the GPS, and there was the Topo map with 1.5GB of room left over.


If the maps are on the CD in the .IMG file format, you should be able to copy them directly to the SD card and they will work. The 4KB .UNL file looks like a text file with a serial key sequence of letters and numbers, this may be necessary for authorization.


A side benefit is that I can keep the original Topo SD card safe at home.


Good luck!

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