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Full size topo maps

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I get a little confused about this, so I hope someone can confirm or set me straight on this, but my understanding is that the Delorme Topo is based upon 1:100K maps. Since they are rasterized, they can appear to have higher detail when zoomed in, but I don't believe that they are true 1:24K. (I can set the maps to show as high as 10' contour intervals). I would note that I much prefer T6 over NG Topo for the ability to edit routable trails and other shapes into embedded map layers. I'd be glad to post a screenshot of any area of interest you specify.


They also sell a product called 3-D TopoQuads, which are scanned USGS 7.5 maps. They usually cost $99 per state, but there's a 50% "summer sale." I don't know how much longer the summer sale works. Also, free shipping offered through 8/31.


I *think* that if you import the Topoquads into the Topo6 program, you can use the multi-page print feature where in it will print out sections of the map onto 8.5x11 paper to be taped together (for those without plotters). I can check that out more thoroughly if you care enough to ask.


The last bonus is that T6 maps and Topoquads can be loaded into the PN-20 GPS. It's pretty cool to see that USGS detail on the GPS screen. Magellan states that the new Triton series will accept NG Topo maps.

Edited by embra
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I am looking at buying a topo software to be able to print good quality paper maps to take with us. Do any of you know whether the National Geographic Topo or Delorme Topo will print full size 1:24,000 maps (assuming you have a plotter etc.) that are as good as those from USGS?


If you just want to print the topo quads, you can download most of them for free. Here is one resource. If you want to add waypoints to the maps, then you'll need some sort of mapping software that will print full size.

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I am looking at buying a topo software to be able to print good quality paper maps to take with us. Do any of you know whether the National Geographic Topo or Delorme Topo will print full size 1:24,000 maps (assuming you have a plotter etc.) that are as good as those from USGS?


I use National Geographic. I have the State series 1:24,000 for the state I use the most (AZ) and Backroads explorer for the rest of the US which is 1:100,000. I have made some very nice maps with them. If you dont have good quality printer you can take the saved image to staples as a pdf and they will print and laminate it for you. If you make it poster size it can get expensive. I got a quote fro them that is 24"x36" printed out, laminated and mounted in a nice frame for $72. I got 3 11"x17" prints laminated for $4 ( I think, I don't remember but it was cheap) :)


National Goegraphic prints to pdf or saves as a Tiff, bmp, jpeg...etc... :)

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Thank you for your input.


Because I live in an island state and can’t really drive the $2,000+ miles to the next state, I was looking at the state series 1:20,000. The reason I was asking about printing large sizes is my access to large scale color plotters/printers that I already use for other things.


It appears that NG Topo and Delorme are the only ones that have Hawaii in their 1:24,000 series. I would like to use these with our scouts.

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"If you dont have good quality printer you can take the saved image to staples as a pdf and they will print and laminate it for you."


Question: how do you create a PDF file from Topo?


I have AllTopo. I also have Acrobat Elements - you can't build pdf files in Elements, but you can use it to convert files build in other programs to a pdf file. Acrobat Elements appears as one of the printer options on the printing preferences screen in AllTopo. To convert an AllTopo map to a pdf file, I select Acrobat as the printer and then print the document. Rather than turning on the printer, a window pops up asking where to store the pdf file. I presume the routine would be similar for Topo because that also is the routine for Word, PowerPoint, etc.

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I am looking at buying a topo software to be able to print good quality paper maps to take with us. Do any of you know whether the National Geographic Topo or Delorme Topo will print full size 1:24,000 maps (assuming you have a plotter etc.) that are as good as those from USGS?


You might try USAPhotoMaps (google it)

I've used it to print sections of actual USGS quads for hikes & geocaching.

I think its great, and, its free.

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