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SWE: Hjälp med en krånglande TB.

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I have trouble with a TB.



Hej, jag har problem med en TB.


Jag plockade upp en TB på eventet "KOM T -07" (GC12DQ5) men jag kan inte logga den med den info som står på TB:n. Den är kallad "FMJ NINJA #128" och är inte loggad som aktiv på eventet. geocaching.com hittar inget vad jag än söker på (namnet och hemliga koden (jag har dubbelkollat säkert fjorton gånger...)). Jag vet tyvärr inte vem som tog med den till eventet.


Hoppas nån har några tips eller vet hur jag ska gå vidare! Vill ju inte slänga den...




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I have trouble with a TB.



Hej, jag har problem med en TB.


Jag plockade upp en TB på eventet "KOM T -07" (GC12DQ5) men jag kan inte logga den med den info som står på TB:n. Den är kallad "FMJ NINJA #128" och är inte loggad som aktiv på eventet. geocaching.com hittar inget vad jag än söker på (namnet och hemliga koden (jag har dubbelkollat säkert fjorton gånger...)). Jag vet tyvärr inte vem som tog med den till eventet.


Hoppas nån har några tips eller vet hur jag ska gå vidare! Vill ju inte slänga den...





Translated in case someone else wants to help...


Hi, I have a problem with a TB.


I picked it up at the event "KOM T -07" (GC12d5q) but I can't log it with thei nformation that is on it. It's called "FMJ NINJA #128" and isn't logged as active at the event. I can't find anything at geocaching.com no matter what I search for (name and the secret code ) I have double checked 14 times...)). Unfortunately I don't know who took it with them to the event.


I hope that someone has some tips or knows what I should do to go on... I don't want to toss it!




Thavox, kanske den är "unactivated" och en "gåva" för den som hittade den? Har du också posted i forumet på geocaching.se?




Edited by mousekakat
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Does it not have a TB tag on it? Does the number on it not work? Or is the sole problem that it was not logged into the event? How do you know the name of it? Are you sure it is a TB? Read through all the logs for the event and see if anybody has mentioned it.

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Does it not have a TB tag on it? Does the number on it not work? Or is the sole problem that it was not logged into the event? How do you know the name of it? Are you sure it is a TB? Read through all the logs for the event and see if anybody has mentioned it.


The most likely thing is that something is missing (the TB-tag perhaps) on the TB. It ony got the secret TB-code and the name of the TB on a paper/plastic strip. What I know the secret code should be enough but when I search geocaching.com I only get the andwer thst the number isn't registred, same result when I search for the TB-name. And since I got it at an event it isn't a "finders gift" either (in which case it would be up to me to register it I guess).

If the TB had been registered at the event there would be no problem, since I would have the official TB-number in that case. But, I don't. And, I have looked through all loggs on the event page looking for clues to solve this problem but sadly found nothing.


Hmmm, but! I just came up with something. I can go through each attending users page to see if someone have registered someting similar. It will be a massive work, there were something like 40 people attending, but it will hopefully present a solution to the problem.



Edited by Thavox
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Well, everything have worked out fine, sort off.


The FMJ Ninja #128 is NOT, I repeat NOT!, a geocaching.com item. Some stupid a** have made his own site to track his Ninjas. See www.joshuaweisberg.com/fmjninja/128


Thanks all for your input and help.



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Good job! Lot of people would not have cared enough to spend that much time trying to figure it out. I hope you are planning on attaching better instructions with the non-TB.


Yes, that thought have struck me to. I probobly do something at least.

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