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Caches along a slower route

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I'm planning a trip in February, and part of it will involve caching along the Ohio and Pennsylvania shores of Lake Erie. I tried to make a query with caches by the road that goes right along the shore, but Google Earth obviously wanted to send me along I-90 to make it faster; I started chopping the sections into little pieces so that I-90 wouldn't make sense, but then those sections started having to get as small as 7 miles. Is there any way to do this without an obnoxiously large number of routes and queries?


I thought about just widening the swath of caches and using the I-90 directions, but that swath has to get far wider than anything I'd want, and occasionally even becomes greater than the permitted five miles.

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You could create a bookmark of the caches you want, scrolling and choosing caches you want to do, then run the PQ and put it into your mapping program to create the route by hand. Just select each point in order you want to visit them, and have your mapping software create the route.

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I just noticed that Google Maps added an intermediate waypoint feature to their routing tools. I haven't tried it yet but I bet it is now possible to do this:


- Create a route in Google Maps, add intermediate waypoints as needed.

- Use GMapToGPX to created the gpx data from the GM route.

- Upload to gc.com as a route.


Once I have a little more time I'll give it a shot.



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I just noticed that Google Maps added an intermediate waypoint feature to their routing tools. I haven't tried it yet but I bet it is now possible to do this:


- Create a route in Google Maps, add intermediate waypoints as needed.

- Use GMapToGPX to created the gpx data from the GM route.

- Upload to gc.com as a route.


Once I have a little more time I'll give it a shot.




It does seem to work but it wasn't quite as easy as I had hoped.


Here's what I did. I used the new GM interface to create a route from Boston to Providence, through Hartford (not a very direct route if you are familiar with NE geography!). I used GMapToGPX create the gpx route, saved it to a gpx file and uploaded to the route interface to gc.com. This worked but the route was very poor -- only points at a dozen or so turns. It wouldn't be very useful for finding caches along a real driving route.


The "Track" and "Points" options in GMapToGPX seem to give the same level of resolution so I ignored those. Next I went for the "Full" option in GMapToGPX which gives you a very detailed track of the route. Unfortunately gc.com interface won't input tracks directly so I had to open it up in ExpertGPS convert it to a route and then upload it into gc.com. I'm assuming that gpsbabel has the necessary track->route conversion so it could be used instead of EGPS.



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