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Difference 60Csx versus Vista Cx


- Form factor, button layout and size.

- Screen size 1.5” W x 2.2” versus 1.3"W x 1.7"H

- Serial data transfer capable 60Csx

- Better reception on 60CSx due to Sirf GPS reciever.

- External antenna capable 60Csx

- And price....


That is about it. Software/firmware is the same.

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Can any of you tell me why you might prefer the Garmin 60 CSx to of the Vista Cx and vice versa? I have to make a business case to my boss re. purchasing a number of GPSr's and need ammunition. Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks!


Unless you're business requires extreme accuracy under dense tree coverage, the Vista Cx would probably be a better choice due to it's low cost (unless you work for Bill Gates or something)

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