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How to use Geko 201

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My BIL has just called me wanting some help with his Geko 201. We have been Caching for a while and have got him interested, he bought himself this unit with Xmas money but has tried to use it today and doesn't know where to start. He says there is a really big manual with it but nowhere does it describe how to enter information on grid references or waypoints. As I have an Explorist which had a load of maps with it when we bought it I am unable to help him but can someone please let us know how to work them and enter a cache point and how to then interpret it - does he need to buy the map software or will it work without it?


Thanks in advance for your help



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To elaborate a little on the last reply:


The easiest way to enter co-ordinates manually (it may be the only way, I'm not sure) is to use the Page button to reach the Menu screen. The top option is Mark to mark the location you're at. Choose that, then edit the co-ordinates to the ones you want, and edit the waypoint id (in the flag at the top). But the best way of entering co-ords is to upload them from a pc. For that he'll need something like GSAK on the pc, and a premium membership of gc.com to be able to receive pocket queries.

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To set the unit up for typical geocaching use

  • click the menu button to get the menu (which lists Mark/Waypoints/Tracks/Routes/Games/Setup)
  • Use the arrow keys to highlight "setup" and press OK button
  • In the setup menu, use the arrow keys to highlight "Units" and press OK button
  • Press OK button while on the "Position Frmt" setting and choose H D M.M' (first one in the list)
  • On Map Datum, choose WGS 84
  • For "Units" choose "Statute" if you like your readouts in miles and feet

You are all set, put your desired waypoint in as suggested above and away you go!

Edited by lordelph
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