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thought comments sought on 3 products


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I am aiming towards a Tomtom 910, Magellan 2200T (or the 2500T) or the Garmin Nuvi.

The one thing I do not like about the Nuvi is that it only handles Point A to B, would like the option of plugging in multiple stops.


The one thing that I am not sure on the Tomtom 910 - is that I must use my Blue tooth ph plus I will be charged for wireless data connections???? Yikes!

right now I have Verizon, may go T-mobile next year, but even still, to pay my Cel ph company on top of the TomTom traffic service- don't think so.


The Magellan's seem the best of all 3. I don't think they are available yet. Has any played with the 2200 or 2500T?


Any thoughts/comments?



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nuvi does one via point - so a to b to c. - i believe this was added in one of the software updates.


streetpilot 2720,2820 etc do multiple vias - not sure what their maximum is.


the new magellans are nice too.


check them out in person, enter a destination in simulator mode and see which one you like best (visual and audio prompts, other included features).

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Where did your cousin get tghe 2500T ?!

Why not the 2200T?

Has he tried the traffic service (does the 2500T come with an external antenna (for traffic) or is it built in?

Do you know how the trfc service & function compares to other trfc GPS systems (such as Roadmate 2730 or Nuvi 660) ?



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