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Nation Parks (not Us)

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I travel a lot. I go to lots of National Parks. I want to be able to add my waymarks to a National Park category, but the only National Park categories that I can find are US National Parks.


Is it possible to add another National Park Category?





I travel a lot. I go to lots of National Parks. I want to be able to add my waymarks to a National Park category, but the only National Park categories that I can find are US National Parks.


Is it possible to add another National Park Category?







The question is what to include. There could be Canadian National Parks, Japanese National Parks, etc. country by country. Or, there could be one large category something like National Parks of the World (excluding U.S. National Parks). This is the persistent question of broad categories with variables VS many small categories.


One observation on this dilemma -- In the U.S. state historical marker categories, doing them state by state, which is logical, has meant some states are without a category. I suspect this would happen with national parks of the world. How many countries would garner enough national park waymarks to sustain a separate category? In this case, I would opt for a world-wide category.


If this happened, and at some later point, would it be possible, say, to transfer all the waymarks for a particular country to a separate category of its own?


So, the thing to do is create your group, recruit members/officers, create category and go for it!


I think this was suggested once gefore many moons ago but I don't think it was ever followed through - go for it, I'll help support it as well. You would need to think about what you want in a National Park though because some are huge - I would think that you would need to be requesting the entry points to various national parks (gates and roads) thereby actually allowing several waymarks for any given national park that has more than one point of entry.


Create the group! :)


Well, National Parks of the World would be a good idea in my opinion.


Canada, even though it is a HUGE country, only has 41-43 (depending upon your source) National Parks. This would hardly qualify for a category of its own.


I would assume, although totally a guess, that all National Parks regardless of the country would have Visitor Centers. Maybe that would make a good place for the coordinates. If there are several, they probably correspond to the nearest entrance.


But I would suggest making the category be all inclusive. I don't think it would be very nice to make a "All of the world except the US" category. Yes there might be some repetition, but if you are going to suggest an international category then every country should be able to participate.


;) The Blue Quasar


I think this was suggested once gefore many moons ago but I don't think it was ever followed through - go for it, I'll help support it as well. You would need to think about what you want in a National Park though because some are huge - I would think that you would need to be requesting the entry points to various national parks (gates and roads) thereby actually allowing several waymarks for any given national park that has more than one point of entry.


Create the group! :anitongue:


Great idea -- entrances, and/or major attractions.


You'll have no problem getting support and officers for this. Let us know if you need help in the creation process.


I would assume, although totally a guess, that all National Parks regardless of the country would have Visitor Centers.


I can only comment on the ones I have visted here in Western Australia, but most of our National Parks don't have vistor centres, in fact many of them may have only a camping ground with a toilet if that. For example I have recently done an eight walk in one. It only has a couple of basic camping grounds and couple of short tourist walk trails on the edges. The rest of the park is wilderness.


My suggestion would be to allow Waymarking of the various "features" of the park such as designated entry stations, camping grounds, walk trails etc.




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