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Mapopolis 4.6 And Gpxtomaplet

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I just upgraded from Mapopolis Ver 4.2 to 4.6 When I transfer new cache maplet files using copy and past into my SD memory card, I cannot see the files in the Mapopolis Choose Maps page. Previously created cache maplet files can still be seen and opened onto the Mapopolis maps. Using File Explorer, you can see the new files in the same folder as the old cache files and all the county map files. I have an iPaq 2215 PPC using Windows CE 4.20


Any ideas? Tks. Alan

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This is basic for you, I'm sure, so I apologize. But, the only thing that I can think of is to refresh the maps (Tools>Choose Map(s)>View>Refresh). I have to do this before seeing newly added gpxtomaplet files. Make sure that ALL FOLDERS is selected at the top, or at least the folder that the gpxtomaplet file is in.


Alternatively, maybe a fresh install of Mapopolis might be in order. I'm using beta 4.71.03, available in the gpspassion.com Mapopolis forums.


I haven't had any problems in the last month, but I'm running my gpx file from last week. Haven't loaded up this week's file yet.

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Anyway i did Refresh on 4.6 and files showed in the Open Maps page. But the icons themselves still do not show on the maps.


I went back to the older version 4.2 and I can see the icons again.


Could the gpxtomaplet be causing the problem? Is there an update for that?

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My versions of gpxtomaplet are, I think, a few years old. I'm not aware of any updates.


I have no clue why you are having problems.


I see now that you've posted on gpspassion already, and that's my best advice. Maybe contacing Lamar directly?


I guess you might also try a soft reset on the Pocket PC. Weird, but sometimes that makes a difference. Or, you might try the latest beta.


In the end, using 4.2 probably isn't too bad, I'd imagine. They only make small incremental upgrades to each version, and your routing and the such shouldn't be overly affected.

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OK Thanks Another problem is that all my original 4.2 saved routes won't work when I updated. I get a message saying it can't do it. One other thing, the version says 4.6 when you check although the download file is 47. Does your PPC indicate 46 too??

Edited by Alan2
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Yes, my version is indicated as 4.6 even though I have the 4.7 beta.


It sounds like your input data is somehow corrupted or something, which I've never heard of for Mapopolis. For your routes, do you have all the necessary maps active to show the start and end points? And, if they rely on maplets or POIs you've added, are all the maplet files loaded? Can you create or open a saved route that doesn't use maplets, like an address to address route? Maybe your problem is maplets only. Not entirely helpful, but at least it would narrow down your problems . . .


Mine would tell me it couldn't do it, too, if I didn't have all the necessary maps and POI files loaded.

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Hmjmm although I'm still with 4.2, now that you mention it I do not recall the red icons that conmes with the Mapopolis maps being shown either. The routes I'm refering too were created with those originally. Did I have to hit Find to get these all to appear on 4.6?

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Now I'm all screwed up. Boy I hate updating programs. How does the expression go: Don't fix it if it ain't broken!


First, I meant to say before I reloaded Mapopolis 4.42. However, when I click on an cache icon on the map I get the type of cache. It is something I never got before. Also, when I open Maplets amd click on Show Locations, I only have 2 categories:Geocach and Waypoint. When I look in the category all I see is all the disignations for Multicache then Taditional etc but no description of the rest of the cache I always get That's generated from GSAK include smart name, distance to cache, D/T etc.


I have to (something I never did before) click ion Find-Place or Business to get Show Locations to show all the other categories I always use to get like schools, gold cources etc. Once I do that then the aforemention category display M<ulticache, etc shows the other data.


Now I'm not sure what's going on. Is it the mapopolis program, GSAK (was updated a couple of weks ago to 6.62 or my original gpxtomaplet??? Any help is appreciated.

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Oh one other thing. When I first open Mapopolis after doing a PPC soft reset, and click on View Map, I only get one category: Any category. It only show cache. (I removed the desc from gpxtomaplet. Only when I click Find Place or Business do I get all the other normal mapopolis categoires like schools, golf course etc but the cache are gone. Originally I would have 4-5 cche categories as well.

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Your designations of traditional and multi-cache only are they types of descriptions that I got when I directly imported a .gpx file from a pocket query WITHOUT running it through GSAK first, which is what I did in the past. You're the one that turned me on to using GSAK to output more meaningful descriptions, Alan. So, it kinda sounds like there is some sort of translation problem from the original .gpx to the GSAK-output .gpx.


I have not updated GSAK yet. I am running the 4.7 Mapopolis Beta ("Sea Train" actually from the end of April) and the same old gpxtomaplet is still working.


Another thought that comes to mind that may or may not help. The default install of mapopolis is in a folder called "Mapopolis.com Mapopolis." Mapopolis also uses this folder to store all the maplets you've manually created. Unfortunately, when you re-install the program, Mapopolis wipes out everything in this folder, including your user-created points in the file called "Landmark1." I upgraded betas frequently, but it always annoyed me that I had to remember to move that file somewhere else before re-installing and then move it back over. In fact, I have two Landmark1 files right now because I forgot to move my old one and Mapopolis started created a new one in the default folder.


I think perhaps you've lost your landmark database, which might explain your earlier problem with saved routes.


I guess my first suggestion would be to try to downgrade your version of GSAK if it is still available from the site and see if that works. If you can't downgrade, let me know as I'm sure I have the install file somewhere. This also makes a little sense to me given the general lack of replies you got over at gpspassion. I would imagine most people over there don't work with GSAK, so wouldn't be able to reply.

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Oh, wait, you also mentioned that you changed some of the settings in gpxtomaplet. Before you do anything else, restore the defaults in gpxtomaplet -- at least the desc and the such. I could never figure out what each of these lines did, but I do know that they gave me some very dramatic changes in results when I fiddled with them.


Another thing to check that I just thought of. When you upgraded GSAK, did it keep your saved .gpx conversion settings? You know, the one where you defined the smart tags to output and which box to put them in and then have to select that from a saved setting before you output the .gpx file. As I said earlier, a straight .gpx would only give me limited descriptions. If you loaded a .gpx into GSAK and didn't actually make the smart tag changes, your outputted .gpx would be the same and result in the same limited-usage data.


This whole thing has to be something simple, but sometimes it's just a pain in the rump to figure out which of the thousands of simple things it could be.


If I can think of anything else, I'll be back . . .

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"The 4.6 and later Mapopolis viewer versions for Pocket PC run on PPC 2002 or later Pocket PCs with ARM, X-scale, or OMAP processors made by Intel, Samsung, or Motorola. "

I've a HP iPaq 2215. In the Asset viewer it says I have an Intel PXA255. Is that one of the processors Mapopolis mentioned? Also it's runnin OS Windows CE 4.20 Alan

Edited by Alan2
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