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Click Here If You Do Not Wish To Wait


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Okay, I realize this is about the forum software, which you guys don't write, but does anyone know the purpose of the "click here if you do not wish to wait" message after performing a search or sending a PM? I mean, who wishes to wait? But, then, why ask? If it's not problem, why not take you there as fast as clicking the link? Should I click the link? Does that constitute a burden on the server?


Okay, I realize I'm being neurotic but, to my credit, I've waited two years to ask. I can't think why they wouldn't just say "please wait" and then take you there as fast as possible.




Feel better.

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And I've clicked that link out of curiousity, and nothing different happened. :(


I think it's just there for some personalities that feel a bit less stressed out if they can somehow feel like they are in charge of where they are going and what they are doing. :unsure:

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"You can run the search on the nearest cache page." Still looking for that danged page. I just know that it is right around here somewhere really nearby, I just can't seem to find it. Perhaps if they put a blue flashing light on it. :unsure::D:(

Edited by Team Cotati
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I didn't write the code but I assume they do that to limit the number of database hits to the site at one time. Also since it is a redirect it was probably designed for those browsers that don't believe in redirects and protest them for their suppression of free will.

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This kind of stuff is left over from the bad old days of the Internet. Sites didn't use any client-side features, and preferred to display a message confirming that an action had occurred and then go to the next page (and the new page had no obligations to worry about displaying information about past events), instead of the more recently developed mechanism of showing the changes highlighted in a message on the next page. And some browsers didn't support redirects at all.


But progress doesn't stop there. Nowadays with AJAX and better frameworks, UIs and architectures for web interaction, these dark corners of history look more and more anachronistic on the web.


Enjoy them, like fine SPAM, while they last.

Edited by caderoux
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Okay, I realize this is about the forum software, which you guys don't write, but does anyone know the purpose of the "click here if you do not wish to wait" message after performing a search or sending a PM?

You can disable this by properly adjusting the settings on your "My Controls" page:



No fair! I want those settings! All I have are these boring ones :D:


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