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Stake A Claim

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Sorry if this has been covered - I've been up for 43 hours searching the forums for an answer (stopped twice to eat).


Our city is building a park nearby. Right now it's a field of red (Georgia clay), but soon it will be a great place to hide a cache. Is it permissible to submit a cache with coordinates, uncheck "Yes, this listing is active", place the cache when the park is completed, and then update the coordinates? (I haven't placed any caches yet, this could be my first.)


I looked at the Guidelines and all I found was this:

When placing a cache: None of the general guidelines apply when hiding a cache during the second total eclipse of the sun in any given day, unless Jupiter is visible to the naked eye. Please consult your astrologer. (Not valid in Connecticut)



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I would write to my reviewer. The answer will depend on the details. Most reviewers are willing to "hold a spot" while the cache owner is working out details such as permission, or to time the release of a cache to coincide with an event cache. And there is some language in the listing guidelines that addresses this:


If you are placing a large number of caches in connection with an event cache, to be released on the day of the event, please submit the cache pages for all of the caches at least ten days in advance of the release date. Leave a “note to reviewer” indicating that the cache is for an event, and is to be released on the date specified. This allows your reviewer adequate time to review the submissions or to arrange for help from another reviewer. (Note: Caches placed in connection with an event must be placed with the intention of leaving them in place after the event, temporary caches are not accepted.)


Your cache should be in place and ready to hunt at the time your cache page is submitted for review. If for any reason it is not ready, please either disable your cache page so that it won’t be seen by the reviewer until ready, or include a “note to reviewer” to explain your special circumstances (for example, waiting for a permit from a land manager).


So, are you just squatting on the park, in the hope that you'll find a hiding place when it's open? I wouldn't think that would be good enough. There's a little park near my house that's under construction and I am waiting for the building to be finished so that I can introduce myself to the park manager and inform him that I am about to bless his new park with a geocache or two.


On the other hand, if you know for sure that your cache is gonna go someplace along the lakeshore at approximate coordinates of X, Y, and you've gotten or are in the process of getting permission from the land manager to do this, I would think that the reviewer would be favorably disposed to reserve a spot for you for a few weeks to a month or so.

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This is how a local cacher handled a situation similar to yours.




Note there is a cache hidden to find, but we all know not to hide any near there and thats ok. It will be worth the wait and we get a new cache to look for when the park is finished. :lol:


That's a good idea, I'll have to look & see if there is a place around the perimeter to hide a cache.


I suppose that once the cache is in it's final resting place (sorry, couldn't resist) then I ought to change the name of the cache & invite people to re-find it?


thanks for helping a newbie!

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Maybe I'm in the minority here, but I think "squatting" is dirty pool. I think the appropriate thing to do is wait to do anything until you can put a real cache there. If someone else puts one out there and gets it published before you do, go back and find theirs and get your smilie.


I don't think it's bad to post in local forums that you INTEND to place a cache when available, but to me squatting just isn't cool. I won't put words in my reviewers mouth, but I don't think that sort of thing is allowed around here.

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I think hes got as much a right to place one anytime he likes as long as its within guidelines. I know in my area all the parks have caches in them and its now a matter of 1.drive way out of town to make a hide

or 2. hope for a cache to get archived and open a spot up. or 3. jump on a new park first.


The old school cachers have LOTS of hides....where's that leave us new folks who want to have some fun coming up with ideas and creating hides? We should wait for the official ribbon cutting of a park to place a cache? Not around here. I Accept FireFighterJ’s Challenge II is in a "future" park thats nothing but gravel and a paved parking lot. the hider has 141 caches! She has many more located where a park is slated to be built sometime in the future but right now its nothing but a path into woods.


You better get your cache hidden Planetlanham and don't worry about anything, first come first serve.

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I placed a cache in Arizona with another cacher and spoke with the reviewer prior to to guarantee that I would still have that spot when conditions were good enough to go make the trek. It happened to be CO_Admin, and everything was fine when it came time to place the cache. Given the area, the likelihood was very minimal that the .1 mile would would apply, and the theme required the area, and wasn't open to relocation.


If you're wondering, it was the geographic center of the state as verified by the state. It's in the middle of a wilderness area, so we constructed a rock cairn with a stone etched with values required to figure out where the actual container was, which was just outside the wilderness area.

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