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Good evening civlised. No the content of your thread neither bothers or intimidates me.


However I was out today and have only just returned home and was therefore unable to respond earlier. I will reply in full sometime later this evening.


As a relative newcommer to Forums I'm confused! It seems that in order to keep up to speed I would have to log on the several Fora:


-Groundspeak Forum

-Groundspeak UK Forum

-GeocacheUK Forum

-GAGB Forum

I'd also have to watch any specialisms I wish to follow such as -Handicaching Forum


Quite frankly I don't have the time. Why can't they all share the same Forum?




I think the fact is that not too many people appear to care about GAGB!


To be honest 99% of the time this is the place you need to be. Even then the vast majority of cachers probably never come here.






I think the GAGB is a great idea, especially when it comes to negotiating with big landowners. If GAGB didn't exist we would either be individuals, or some huge worldwide/American operation that had no interest over here.


As a relative newcommer to Forums I'm confused! It seems that in order to keep up to speed I would have to log on the several Fora:


-Groundspeak Forum

-Groundspeak UK Forum

-GeocacheUK Forum

-GAGB Forum

I'd also have to watch any specialisms I wish to follow such as -Handicaching Forum


Quite frankly I don't have the time. Why can't they all share the same Forum?


Don't forget the chat room :rolleyes:



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