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Ideas For A New Tb Owner


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I have placed my first order for a travel bug; it will arrive any day now. I still have to come up with a name, goal, something to attach it to and all that good stuff.

My main hope is to have a lot of photos taken of its travels. I like to see uploaded pictures of the places I have been, so this should be a neat way to see more places.

So, I am humbly asking experienced TB owners, what their ideas or suggestions would be to have a long and happy TB travel the world.

Thanks for all the help and thoughts.

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Your TB does not have to have a mission other than to travel about and have its photo taken. That's a perfectly acceptable mission. I know I like seeing pictures of my TBs as they move about so I'm trying to take at least one picture with every TB I find and move. Right now I have about 25 TBs that I've collected so I'll be taking lots of pictures over the next week or so as I release them here in Georgia.

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I think the Tbs with specific goals tend to stay idle for long periods of time. I have some from my classroom out with just the goal of going from cache to cache, city to city, state to state, country to country. Some of them have been really hopping from cache to cache. I am rather new with Tbs as well, but I was lucky and had parent's club order me a good number of TBs to send out. So if one is idle the another might move.


here is link to one. http://img.Groundspeak.com/track/log/79205...2afb2d561cc.jpg

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