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Explorist 500 Wont Talk To Computer


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I cant seem to get my explorist 500 to talk to my laptop using the mapsend software. There is no software update or patch for this model. im stumped and frustrated.


one obvious comment is,


Do you have the data cable connected with the cable running down the backside of the GPS? or upwards?


It should run down along the backside of the GPS to communicate.


Another basic thing to check on: currently no MapSend communicates directly with the Explorists, as MapSend lacks USB awareness. Do you mean you can't get the Conversion Manager to communicate with your 500? Does your computer recognize the 500 when you hook it up and turn it on?

Posted (edited)

oups , missed that mapsend part of his question.


Robert and embra are right mapsend does not natively support direct communication to the explorist line GPSs.


Mapsend direct route v3.0 and Mapsend topo canada v1.5 which are supposed to be available do have this option though but being they are so new, you probably have the older versions.


Join the growing list of people that are frustrated at Magellan for not better supporting their software in forms of patches and updates. I am quite bitter that my ($300CAN) software that I purchased only in May/June is already replaced by newer version that totally support the products I bought, for which now I must re-purchase if I want those options now. I am quite bitter about this marketing position they have taken. I can see if they added new features or big changes were implemented but they could have at the very least provided a patch so that we could directly communicate with the Explorists with our existing software.

Edited by D0T-C0M
Posted (edited)

jacques0 the patches you linked wont do anything for the problem is having here. That patch is only out because with XP Service Pack2, the mapsend CD was no longer being detected correctly. Thales had no choice but to come out with it.

Edited by D0T-C0M

Not sure if this helps but...... make sure when you installed the Mapsend software that you also installed the Serial/USB driver. This allows the GPS to "speak" to the Explorist in NMEA mode assuming that's what you want to do.


Greetings from Camp Diamondback, Mosul, Iraq. Thanks to everyone for all of the help. i am currently going through it all and hopefully ill get it figured out. Todd

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