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Rating Caches


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OK, I'm a newbie, and the next chance I'll have to try getting my elusive first find won't be until the weekend. So until then, I'm lurkin' around the forums, soaking up any newbie-friendly info for the ol' databanks.


So, I've come up with a newbie question (profound apologies if it's already been hashed...): Who rates the caches with the stars? The cache hiders? Wouldn't the cache hiders be biased toward fewer stars because they, duh, KNOW where the cache is? Wouldn't it be groovy if the cache *finders* could rate the cache? Each finder could use the same rating system (stars for difficulty and terrain), but they could consider, among other things, how many attempts it took them, how many hours it took, how many stitches it took after banging their head on a nearby brick wall, how much shoe (or boot) leather they used getting there, how long it took to talk the cops out of arresting them for suspicious behavior, and other various factors. Each finder's experience will be unique, so that each finder has a unique opportunity to provide feedback about the cache, sorta like eBay. Of course, I could read the logs, but not if I want to avoid spoilers...


I'd love to start with some 1/1's, just to get my feet wet (preferably figuratively)

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The cache hiders give the difficulty star ratings. On the page where you fill in the description of your cache, there is a link to another site where you answer questions and the site will give you an approximate difficulty and terrain rating. I usually find those ratings too high. And not everyone clicks the link to get their cache rated. After hunting some caches, you'll get an idea of what a 2/2.5 involves and so on. That's why I think it's a good idea for someone to find a few caches before placing their own. And if a cache's difficulty/terrain ratings are off, people will mention it in their logs and the cache owner may adjust accordingly.


After a particularly tough cache this weekend, I think it would be cool to have users rate them. But I think you get better info from the logs. And it's more interesting. As for spoilers, I think most people are restrained enough to keep from spilling too many beans. I confess to being reprimanded by a couple cache owners for saying too much...

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