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Unique Cache "treasures"

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I found a cache in northern NY ( lampson falls) that had a great treasure. The group of people that created this cache had signed a cup. It was a cheep plastic tumbler, probably stolen from the university they went to, but it was a great idea. The group, The Slackers, have created many, I was hoping to find another but am still searching.

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I found a simple little cache on US-24 highway near Beloit, KS. One of the "prizes" was a Tampon (unused of course - and still wrapped). I asked myself, why in the world anyone would leave anything like this. Then I thought, why in the world would anyone take anything like this from a cache.


Perhaps there is a TravelBug idea! ;)

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A cacher who visited a cache after me really like a handmade item I left, one of my I (Heart) Geocaching bracelets.


Pa liked my bracelet


I haven't really found any "treasure" other than discovering a few spots I never knew existed (and isn't that part of the point?). ;) My favorite swag item I traded for was a simple 99-cent flashlight from Walmart (shhh, don't tell the hubby, he HATES Walmart). I love it because it's small enough to fit in my purse and I can use it while searching in dark places.

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Here are a few examples which come to mind:

  • A number of local caches here in MD bear handmade Medieval-style chain mail items by Fergus, who also places some awesome caches!
    One really fun item that my friend Greta and I found in a cache near the Snake River near Jackson, WY was three gift certificates for dinners at a local restaurant. No, we did not take them; we left them for someone who would enjoy them more!
    Sue says her most favorite item was a very rare "Rush" music CD, from Blood & Guts in Virginia cache!
    I saw a cache listing page in Idaho recently where a local farmer/cacher left a one hundred dollar bill as a trade item.
    And one last example of a fun trade item; this one left by our team: when our team recently finished the infamously difficult Blood & Guts in Virginia adventure cache, we contributed 5 imprinted (image plus legend) Blood & Guts T-shirts plus one imprinted Blood & Guts sweatshirt as trade items. There were a number of finders present at the final stage that day and the T-shirts were all taken within two hours. It was heartwarming to see them move so fast!

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