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She's Taking All The Swag!

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Spoken like a man who doesn't own any caches.


No, no, no, spoken more like a woman who is involved in user group issues as it respects public lands in Northern NJ, enuff said.

Spoken like a man who doesn't own any caches.

spoken like a sock puppet who isn't "man" enough to even post an opinion under his real account.

Although the glue stick is probably one of the lamest trade items I've ever heard of.

Uh oh, I've been leaving glue sticks in caches for a few years. :(

lol, I don't think I was thinking of the correct kind of gluestick when I made that remark. I was thinking of those sticks that you use with a hot (or cool) glue gun and can get 20 for a dollar at your local craftstore.


I think if I came across a cache that had been emptied out by someone with a litter of kids, I would be disappointed. Not because I didn't get to take something. If I wanted a trinket, I'd go out and buy one myself. Three-fourths of the fun is finding the cache. The other quarter of the fun is in going through all the unique, cool, goofy items left in it whether it's a $10 bill, pocket lint, expired Sanka coupon, etc. It's something to do once you find the cache other than write in the logbook. Being fairly new myself, I would like it if someone told me if I were doing something wrong. I would have the same response- embarrassed and try to correct my mistake. To the lady who made the mistake- all forums are like this one. You just have to weed out the rude, hostile posts and pay attention to the ones that are informative.


Im fairly new to caching and I was bought onto this game by a friend. He gave me a basic rundown of the rules. Simply take something put something equal to or greater of value into the pot. Now Maybe she didnt have a friend show her the ropes but first thing I did before I went out and bought my GPS hardware is I thouroughly looked though all the getting started guides and faq's. Is it me or when you buy a new game at the store do you not read the directions for the rules of the game? Seriously! Especially when involved in a game such as this where inorder to even be involved you need a semi expensive piece of hardware to get arround. So thinking that your buying a GPS for a game you know nothing about is like buying a car on ebay. You have no idea what your getting into and could possibly be wasting money. People need to start doing there research. Anyways! I wouldnt beat arround the bush I would tell her flat out that she needs to read the rules and then she needs to explain them to her kids. If she doesnt like it and doesnt think its worth it to only take 1 for 1 then she isnt welcome. Harsh? Yup but people who dont respect the rules of the game end up ruining it for everybody. Now in this case it might be by mistake and ignorance but believe me it might be bliss for them but not for us.

Posted (edited)
when you buy a new game at the store do you not read the directions for the rules of the game?

pffft, Are you kidding me? No. :(


LOL! hmm so im the only one... creepy imagin how many trees we could save if people would only print out directions for me!



Edited by WickedDrag0oN
Harsh? Yup but people who dont respect the rules of the game end up ruining it for everybody. Now in this case it might be by mistake and ignorance but believe me it might be bliss for them but not for us.

There are 3 possible main reactions in this case, I think.


1) Changing the behaviour (this is the goal)


2) Being so embarassed that she drops geocaching (not wanted, but acceptable)


3) "F*ck you, I do what I want" (failed communication - total loss)


IMHO, the more harsh the approach, the more likely reaction #3 will be. And that is exactly what nobody wants. So I'd definitely go for an honest, outspoken but polite and nice email.




to answer the muppet who wonders if we have nothing better to worry about? yes ofcourse we do but sometimes it's good to concentrate on things that don't matter in the world wide scheme of things.


i geocache for enjoyment not trinkets but the hunt. my daughter loves finding little bits and pieces but at 7 already understands the concept of trade even or up. :laughing:

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