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English Speaking Cachers In France?


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Posted (edited)

Hi / Bonjour,


I know this forum is listed as for French speaking geocachers... and this isn't en Francais... but I don't think there is a forum for english speaking cachers in France!


I'm a brit who has just relocated to Grenoble to start a new job, although I don't speak much french yet. (The job will be mostly in English, so it isn't a problem for work.)


Last time I checked there were no caches in the city, and not that many in the surrounding hills. I plan to start fixing this over the next few months...


Am interested in meeting fellow geocachers in Grenoble for a few beers, or perhaps a caching excursion. I might even try calling a caching event at some point. Feel free to get in contact via email or pm.



Edited by esandman

Hi Andy,


You will probably find that you are (ahem) "the only gay in the village", at least for a while. That means the only geocacher, English-speaking or otherwise.


Still, a drive around the Alps looking for caches is a great way to get to know the scenery. Have a look at my latest finds. :unsure:


Good luck placing and hunting,



I think you're probably right.  Somehow I can't really see geocaching fitting with French culture.  Just doesn't seem appropriate.



Hey Nick!

Tu peux me traduire ça dans la langue de Molière. J'ai un petit peu peur de comprendre :unsure:


Au fait : salut Andy et bienvenue !



I think you're probably right. Somehow I can't really see geocaching fitting with French culture. Just doesn't seem appropriate.

Ah, now there I don't agree. I'll guess that this is your first overseas assignment ? I haven't lived in the UK since 1981, and if I've learnt one thing in all that time, it's that there's almost no such thing as a national mentality.


The French are perhaps 2 years behind the UK/Germany/Benelux in GPS take-up, and there are "chicken and egg" problems to be overcome in getting caching started in a region, but any alleged characteristic of the French (or any other nationality) that would suggest that they wouldn't be interested in geocaching, is based on stereotypes which, you will discover, are not terribly relevant to daily life.


Of course, this doesn't apply to driving a car. The French are genetically incapable of doing that correctly. But that isn't racism, it's hard scientific fact. :unsure:

Of course, this doesn't apply to driving a car.  The French are genetically incapable of doing that correctly.  But that isn't racism, it's hard scientific fact. ;)

Hi Nick


It could be nice to hear about this "hard scientific fact" you old RHD :P

ou bien est-ce que tu as les pédales à droite et le volant à gauche dans ton bolide, tu sais comme dans ces bonnes vieilles Aston Martin (1960) ;):P:(

Never mind ! :unsure:




I, too, am an English speaking Geocacher in France (Aix-en-Provence to be exact). I've been wanting to cache here, but figuring my way around has taken all my time here not to mention language classes. I leave in two weeks, but I'll return to Normany from the end of September until late January.


I'm having trouble searching for French caches. I'm new to Geocaching on the whole, and they seem to have all the caches in the country on the same page - there is no way to search by city or region. Am I wrong about this? I have a travel bug that I'd really like to drop off someplace in France, so any help would be much appreciated.



...I'm new to Geocaching on the whole, and they seem to have all the caches in the country on the same page - there is no way to search by city or region. Am I wrong about this?...

You should be able to plug in a coordinate and search via that. If they don't have cities and regions working for France then that's the work around.


I'm having trouble searching for French caches.



Try with pocket querries by GC.com et record them in GSAK listing, that you may managed as you like. Have a look on [url:http://www.gsak.net/[/url]


Daniel :laughing:

I, too, am an English speaking Geocacher in France (Aix-en-I'm having trouble searching for French caches. I'm new to Geocaching on the whole, and they seem to have all the caches in the country on the same page - there is no way to search by city or region. Am I wrong about this? I have a travel bug that I'd really like to drop off someplace in France, so any help would be much appreciated.



Check out this website. It gives a great overview of where the caches are around Le Hexagon.




Many thanks for all your help. I've returned home for a short while, but I'll be back in France (Normandy, to be specific) in late September. Hopefully I can connect with some cachers there and/or recruit some new ones.


Thanks again for your suggestions - I'll try them all. I did a search based on my location over the summer and located a few, though I could only find transportation to the Pont du Gard one, and I didn't quite get to it before my fellow travellers turned back.


If anyone can recommend any caches in the Normandy area, that would also be appreciated. I can't wait to see what that part of France is like.

I've returned home for a short while, but I'll be back in France (Normandy, to be specific) in late September.

One day you'll maybe call France "home". When I go to the UK now, it's a trip to another foreign country. ;)

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