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Nc-va-tn Tricorner


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These questions relate to the NC-VA-TN tricorner designated North Carolina Corner Reset 1934 at FZ2159:


(1) I took the datasheet description to mean that this stone was placed in 1894 or there about as a replacement for the older Cherry Tree that originally marked the tricorner?


(2) The N-S and E-W groves are clearly visable. My guess is that the U.S.C.S inscription is covered by the disk?


(3) The designation is 1934 but the monumentation date as well as the disk are 1933. Why is that?


(4) We ran out of time before doing everything there we wanted but we found the witness post for FZ2158 (the disk appeared to be behind a heavily barb wired fence with many updated posted signs, but we did find reference mark #2. I can't find a PID for #2? Is there one or should I log it at FZ2159?


(5) I'm very confused about North Carolina Corner FZ2592.

First of all, when I downloaded the GPS from the Geocashing site it seemed to place me right on top of FZ2159. When I couldn't make sense of that, I checked the datasheet and found different coordinates that seemed to place it 1/4 mile away.


(6) I didn't see any desciption to FZ2592, only a relative relation to other references? I ran out of time and couldn't bushwack the way my GPS pointed from FZ2592. What is this second corner anyway?

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FZ2159 HISTORY - Date Condition Recov. By



FZ2159 HISTORY - 19910724 GOOD NCGS


The Monumenting Survey Party May have worked this station in the winter time and so both 1933 and 34 would be correct. What they did in what order is good to know but the sequence is not such a big deal.


The 1991 recovery determined that GPS was tried but was not possible, and the station is not considered good for GPS Observations... A good example of when things don't work. They had to fall back to optical survey.


Yup, The disc likely covers the old stone inscriptions.


From the Box Score:



FZ2159| PID Reference Object Distance Geod. Az |

FZ2159| dddmmss.s |



FZ2159| FZ2158 GLENN APPROX. 0.8 KM 1762403.0 |





My guess the RM's do not have PID's in this case. FZ2158 is a different nearby station in and unto itself. There were 3 RM's. RM1 was destroyed and replaced in nearly the same location, So RM1 Reset is the one you are looking for if it is still extant. RM2 and 3 were found in the 1991 recovery.


You said (4) We ran out of time before doing everything there we wanted but we found the witness post for FZ2158 (the disk appeared to be behind a heavily barb wired fence with many updated posted signs, but we did find reference mark #2. I can't find a PID for #2? Is there one or should I log it at FZ2159?


If the RM you found is stamped Glenn RM2 then do not log it under FZ2159. From FZ2159, If the RM2 you found is not stamped NORTH CAROLINA CORNER RM 2 and is not located 174.262 METERS at 21434 degrees from the corner station, then you cannot say you found RM2


Log only the RM's you locate with the corresponding Station. If you found a RM for a Station you did not find, there is not a lot of value in logging the RM. If the station is for sure a Not Found and you are pretty sure after searching thoroughly, you can log the station as a not found but the RM is there, but if you found a disc that appeared to be there behind Barbed wire, that is a sort of shaky report. It is best to be able to be certain, either one way or the other.


The weirdness factor here is FZ2592. It has a different geodetic location... Barely.


FZ2159* NAD 83(1986)- 36 35 17.38553(N) 081 40 38.82238(W) ADJUSTED


FZ2592* NAD 83(1986)- 36 35 17.38598(N) 081 40 38.82394(W) ADJUSTED


and calls RM2 and 3 identically as the RM 2 and 3 from the Box score on FZ 2159. for both bearing and distance.


Hmmmmm mmmmm ahhhhh mmmmmmmm mmm mmm


Very interesting...



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Well you happened to be after the same one I was going to visit last weekend. The original corner was a tree which was lost. The station was reset with what is described today.

If you get there early there is still a lot to do to check out the other ref #s. As well there are other cool things in the area. If you have the right vechicle I think you can follow the dirt road to the top of Pond by the cabin where FZ2161 probably still is (as we did but only had time for witness post) and then (as we didn't) continue on it to Stone Mountian, perhaps going up one way and coming down another and there appears to be much more to find in that direction. Maybe you can find the other NC Corner as well: FZ2592

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Rob wrote:



>>If the RM you found is stamped Glenn RM2 then do not log it under FZ2159. >>From FZ2159, If the RM2 you found is not stamped NORTH CAROLINA CORNER >>RM 2 and is not located 174.262 METERS at 21434 degrees from the >>corner station, then you cannot say you found RM2


I found NC Corner Ref #2 and have posted the pictures now at FZ2159.


>>but if you found a disc that appeared to be there behind Barbed wire, that is a >>sort of shaky report. It is best to be able to be certain, either one way or the >>other.


Yes, I would never log the witness post as a "found" for FZ2161 Pond Mountian. I mentioned it because it was so close by. I plan to just write a note and upload the pictures of the witness post along with the view at FZ2161. With a little more time and the willingness to get under the wire, someone else might find the disk and only then it will be "found". (I had a ten-year old with me and didn't want to set a bad example. :lol:)


>>The weirdness factor here is FZ2592. It has a different geodetic location... >>Barely.


Perhaps someone else can find that one. I will probably never get back there.



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