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Urgent: Anyone Near Burlingame, Ca?


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I've been in town all week at a conference at the Hyatt Regency in Burlingame. You would think with 5 days, I would've found time to hit a cache, but it turns out that I didn't--life intruded on my plans. So, I've got three TBs that I've brought with me from Oklahoma and I would love to leave them here. I ran down to a cache near my hotel at 9:00 pm tonight and it turns out it's in a park that closes at 6:00. All the other nearby caches are micros. I fly out at o'dark-thirty in the a.m.


Is there anyone in or around Burlingame that I can hand these off to? I can leave them with the concierge at the hotel or I can stash them in the bushes around the hotel somewhere. I probably shouldn't try anything clever in or near the airport. I'll check back in a few hours when I wake up. If someone wants to come grab these TBs, I'll leave them somewhere.



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