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Another Noobie question

Uncle Pike

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Ok, I've read the FAQ's page and read quite a few posts in the forums but still can't find the answer to my question.(hopefully I haven't missed it somewhere)


After the Cache titles and owner is the 6 character waypoint name (I think) usually starting with a GC****.


How and why are they labeled this way? I've entered all of the coordinates manually so far in the 4 caches I've found and all of the waypoint names are getting difficult to manage in my meriyellow since they all start with the same 2 characters.


I've also downloaded easy GPS for Groundspeak, but haven't used it too much.


Any ideas?


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The GC number is just a way of keeping track of the caches. If the only way to identify them was by the name, everything would be a mess as different caches can have the same name. If your manually entering the coords, you can probly change the name to whatever you like. But that too could get confusing after you get so many on there. icon_biggrin.gif

On the other hand, some programs (like easyGPS I think) that allow you upload many waypoints at once, use the gc number to ID the cache. Its exact and is only six digit, the limit on many gpsr units.

Read Markwell's FAQ for more how and why.



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Just wanted to know it there is anyone in Central Maine who I could team up with to find a cache and get the feel of this new pastime? It sounds like a lot of fun but don't want to invest a lot of money in a GPS if I don't like it.Thanks haffy6@yahoo.com

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You might try asking in the NE regional forum. There is even this thread asking about Maine cachers. Maybe someone there will know of some local to you.

Originally posted by haffy6:

Just wanted to know it there is anyone in Central Maine who I could team up with to find a cache and get the feel of this new pastime? It sounds like a lot of fun but don't want to invest a lot of money in a GPS if I don't like it.Thanks haffy6@yahoo.com



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