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Gsak And Bmgpx For Benchmark Hunting


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I just started using BMGPX to convert .dat files downloaded from the NGS, to .gpx files.

When I open these gpx files in GSAK they are great. I can even dbl click on an entry to get the full datasheet about the benchmark.

What I would like to know is there a way to create a column that will contain the last found date in the History section of the datasheet? OR is there a way to get this History date in the html file I create to put in my palm device?

This would be great to import into the GPSr in the notes field with the waypoint.


THanks much,


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No, at the present time I don't think that's possible. The recovery dates do not have a separate field in the GPX file, so there's no direct way I know of to pull those out. If BM pocket queries ever manifest--and there is a means worked out to update the gc.com database from the NGS datasheets--then I'm sure Clyde will be able to make it so. But there are some significant developments outside the GSAK scope that will have to happen first.


As far as the html file, you can of course read the description along with everything else; the history dates will be in there. But again, no way to isolate them to my knowledge.

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