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Theres A Joke In Here Somewhere


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Today while I was doing my job (really) as a irrigation system salesman, a thought came to me. I had ran across a farmer on a previoulsy unknown, (to me at least,) road. He looked at me and my truck (used for service work during the season) a bit strange, as if to say are you lost?, Since I had my trusty merigreen with me I imagined a reply, like this "heck no I know exactly where I am (within 7 meters or so)",

But how does this information help me in the real world, I have no clue since the maps I carry are an old DeLorme Atlas and Gazetteer, a standard issue plat map in book form (plss) and a free county directory provided by the advertisers.

One other thing my work truck(cachemobile) is a 2002 F-250 4X4 that someone else pays for the gas in (what could be better?)


Please someone help me out and make this a good story as it pertains to geocaching and gps use.

Edited by earthshaker
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